5 Monster Movie: Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Take care of Mina?" Sam asked, looking from Dean to me.

Dean nodded. "Yup."

Sam nodded and left the bar, so I sat down next to Dean.

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After explaining what a shapeshifter was and giving her the usual "monsters are real" talk, Jamie got up and started pacing, trying to comprehend everything we had told her.

"So, monsters are real," Jamie said, for the third time.

Dean nodded. "Some of them, yeah."

"And the shapeshifter, he can turn into different people?" she asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, except this one's turning into the great monsters of screenland, which is a new one for us," Dean said.

"You're not really FBI, are you?" Jamie asked.

Dean shook his head. "Not so much."

"So, this is what you do?" Jamie asked. "You and your partner—"

"Actually..." Dean interrupted. "My partner is my brother, and this..." He put his hand on my back. "Is our sister."

Jamie raised her eyebrows. "Okay, so you and your family just tramp across the country on your own dime until you find some horrible nightmare to fight?"

Dean shrugged. "Some people paint."

Jamie looked surprised. "Wow."

"What?" Dean asked.

She shrugged. "That must suck. I mean, you're giving up your life for this terrible... I don't know... responsibility."

Dean nodded. "Last few years, I started thinking that way, and, uh, it started sort of weighing on me. Of course, that was before... a little while ago, I had this... let's call it a near-death experience. Very near."

Jamie sat down across from us.

"And, uh, when I came to... things were different. My life's been different. I realize that I help people. Not just help them, though. I save them. I guess it's— it's awesome. It's kind of like a gift... like a mission. Kind of like a— a mission from God," Dean explained.

"So, does that make you... some kind of monk or something? You know, celibate?" Jamie asked.

"Man, I hope not," Dean said and then stared into Jamie's eyes.

I cleared my throat and sat there awkwardly twiddling my thumbs.

They stopped staring at each other when the overhead lights clicked on, and a woman walked in.

"Holy crap. Guys, I'm— I'm sorry. I thought you guys were going out," the woman said as she approached.

I carefully examined her face, she looked super familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Dean seemed to know who she was, so she must've just had one of those faces.

"Lucy, it's— it's okay," Jamie said, "Uh, listen—"

"Ya know what? I just— I came to borrow a bottle. I kind of got something going back at my... anyway, uh, I'm just gonna get out of your hair," Lucy said as she picked up a bottle behind the bar.

Jamie shook her head. "No, seriously, Lucy, it's been a crazy night. Stay for a drink."

Dean nodded. "Yeah. Stay for a drink."

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After several more drinks and Jamie explaining to Lucy everything that happened to her, aside from the whole shapeshifter aspect of the story, Jamie was starting to slur her words.

Lucy had joined us at the table, but I still couldn't figure out why she looked so familiar, but I felt like I needed to tell Dean. The only problem was, I didn't know how to do that without drawing attention to the issue.

"Oh, that sounds awful. Jamie, honey, are you okay?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, I am fine. He didn't even touch me." Jamie giggled. "Dean, he just flew right in and fought him off."

Dean smirked. "Well, I didn't actually fly, but I'm sure it seemed that way at the time."

"It was really, really something," Jamie said, and then her eyes got really heavy. She looked super tired.

"Jamie?" Dean asked.

She smiled back at him and sat there with her eyes closed.

"So, Dean, are you like a black belt or what?" Lucy asked.

Dean looked down at his glass and shook his head as if he was trying to shake something off.

"Dean?" I asked, now concerned.

"Well, I guess they train you to fight at the academy or whatever," Lucy said, "Who's the kid, anyway?" She looked at me with a slightly sinister look in her eyes.

Dean quickly reached across and punched Lucy in her face, causing her to hit the ground immediately. He jumped up and moved me out of the way.

"Dean, what are you doing?!" Jamie yelled and then passed out in the booth.

"It's you, isn't it?" Dean asked, looking down at Lucy.

Lucy looked up at us and pushed her clearly displaced jaw back into place with a crack.

Dean kicked her. "Oh, damn it!" He clutched his head. "What did you put in our drinks?!" He grabbed a bottle and smashed it against the table. "That's all right. I'll skin you myself." As he stepped forward, he collapsed.

I jumped and stepped away from Lucy.

"And... scene." She smiled up at me.

"Oh, my god! I know who you are now!" I pointed. "You're one of Dracula's brides."

Lucy smiled. "Smart." She stood up. "I didn't anticipate you being here." She lunged forward and tried to grab me, but I dodged out of the way and ran for the door.

"No, you don't!" she yelled and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back into a chokehold.

"Get off of me!" I yelled and reached back, shoving my thumbs into her eyes as hard as I could.

She screamed and let me go. "You little bitch!"

I swung the door open and looked back one more time to see her grabbing her face as I ran out of the door and down the street.

I ducked into a grocery store, pulled out my phone, and called Sam. After a few rings, he picked up. "Sam! It was Dracula's bride! I thought it was her—"

"Maddi?" Sam asked.

"And— And I was right!" I continued, "She was the shapeshifter, and she—"

"I'm on my way. Just slow down, what happened?" Sam asked.

I took a deep breath and slowed down a little. "The shapeshifter got Dean and Jamie. She tried to get me too, but I got away. I should've known it was her. I knew something wasn't right and—"

"Okay, okay, listen... did she say anything to you, anything that could be important?" Sam asked calmly.

I thought for a second. "Uh... no? Jamie said her name was Lucy, but that's the only thing—"

"Lucy?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"I met her, she worked at the bar with Jamie. Where are you?" he asked.

"I'm at a grocery store down the street from the bar," I said.

"Okay, sit tight, I'll be there soon," Sam said and then hung up.

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