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Third Person's POV

After their little world tour and their sensei's final counseling, Zen decided to sort her thoughts near the river.

It's just that the thought of something a miss is occupying her mind so bad that's making her flustered and flushed with negativity.

while she's rethinking her the events that just happened the rest of E-class students  and bitch-sensei went on their everyday lives, unaware of what was happening. 

Nagisa was about to enter his house, having just returned from school.  Karma was lying on his bed, playing a game on hid DS.

Kayano deciding which pudding to buy from the store. Nakamura and Hara were reading the menu from a cafe with Isogai as their waiter. Bitch-sensei happily sat, apparently drunk, at a bar.

then out of nowhere the laser shot from the sky through the school. The pictures Koro-sensei had been looking through floated into the air. The only thing to be seen from the inside of the school was white. 

The entire building was surrounded by the light. from a distance, it appeared red, but up close, it was white. the outer edges gave off a dark red glow, changing the appearance of everything around the school.

"confirmed direct hit from the school" one of the government workers said.


"getting visuals now."

"AHA! look!!"the supervisor of the project exclaimed victoriously. "not much  as a scratch on the entire building! Our anti-tentacle creature permeable laser satellite, A.K.A the spear of heaven! modeled on the tortoise and powered by anti matter life forms, the beam amplified by a giant particle  accelerator and fired from an altitude of 400 kilometers" 

The government screen scanned the  perimeter looking for their target.

"A powerful weapon we've just deployed without a hint o0f advance warning. Surely that did the trick "the superior said as they look for the octopus remains.

A window of the school had been broken almost completely, leaving only a few partial paned of glass and a broken peace of wood.

Koro-sensei leaned against the back of the "Old Campus" sign in front of the school building. The tips of his tentacles were smoking and sizzling. He grimaced in pain. " What in heavens name  was that!" his eyes were wide and his head was dripping with nervous sweat. "the roof and my clothing are fine - it's just my tentacles.....!" he said as he stare at his sizzling tentacles

while everyone working on the spear of heaven project gasped 

"Impossible!" the team leader exclaimed. "He dodged it! He actually dodged it!" 

"a high speed laser?"

"What canny intuition he has" the leader pushed up his glasses. "No matter . This is far from over." he said as more technology began firing up as he continued. An orange laser shot through a large metal tube in the  ground, heading straight upward.

"There's another weapon waiting for you there."  he said as the five orange laser shot out of cannons, forming a hexagon around the E-class mountain. the sharp edges rounded themselves out so that the mountain was surrounded by a circle. From the circle came hundreds  of  thousands smaller hexagons moving outward to form a sphere around the mountain, the large glowing dome was visible through out the city

after recovering form the initial shock form the attack, Koro-sensei flew away from  the school to try to escape other  potential attack, but the orange hexagon blocked his path 

Entangled in E-classحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن