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❝Hoping to live in a brutal battle field is no use, if you have been destined to die– then you die.❞

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Son Hyeju didn't know how, but she could feel thousands of eyes set on her and her only as she walked along her friends; looking completely bored at the lack of actions the girl thought she would get. But to be honest? She was a bit shaken up at the burning gazes.

Choi Yerim looked at her few months younger friend before glancing around, successfully spotting the things that was bothering her. Walking slightly ahead, she whispered. ❝There's about 48 slayers on the left and 36 slayers on the right. Be cautious, about 31 of them are high ranking. Some are V while some are W.❞ Her voice toned down to the point where you couldn't even hear her voice anymore.

The Jeon siblings and Park Chaewon gave the younger / same age girl a nod while Kim Hyunjin subtly glanced around, spotting said slayers in the shadows. She smiled in somewhat pride. Her sister is that sharp, huh?

Im Yeojin had a blank look as she stopped from her movements, waiting and walking alongside Hyeju. Her eyes that was not visible due to the mask she had worn, glancing around; already knowing that every time by now, the slayers would attack them.

All of a sudden, a black flash appeared before them; followed by many more flash. It circled around the girls, their speed almost as fast as a land animal from earth called Cheetah. Hyunjin scanned their surroundings before raising her hand that was emitting smokes of ice. Yerim smiled before her hands emitted the smokes of fire. Are you ready for some action?

Yeojin sighed before her eyes turned red as blood. Son Hyeju looked around her, the ice dome that was trapping them and the slayers who were circling around them, was humongous. Heejin smiled as she stood by her sister and Chaewon, whom was both clearly unbothered by the sudden interruption to their mission.

❝Hand over that girl, she looks rather interesting.❞ The words echoed around the dome as the slayers finally skidded to a stop from their show of speed, all staring at one girl. Son Hyeju. Yerim walked in front of the said girl, the red fire in her hands flaring ever so wildly. There is no way she'll just hand her friend. Not even in a million years.

❝How about.. no.❞ Hyunjin spoke as she stared at the slayer that just spoke earlier, dead in the eyes. Laughter suddenly escaped the slayers' lungs, all hunching over as they all found it funny. These seven weaklings has quite the nerve, huh?

Not until one noticed the oh-so-familiar cape, did he froze in his place; terrified. ❝Hey.. Their tiers—!❞ Silence followed by after his obvious statement as the slayers all registered his words in their minds. Yeojin smirked at the many spots she could hit now that they've let their guards down, but backed down for now; noticing the ice that was slowly wrapping itself around their botton.

❝Are the little slayers afraid of Cosmos students?❞ Chaewon mockingly taunted, already wearing a smirk as she heard the girl beside her chuckle. They were about to spout more nonsense when red fire suddenly flared and flew to their way. The heat that rushed to their faces stopped when a white mirror appeared.

Which also caused for a certain Choi Yerim to pout. Before anyone could process anything, the ice dome suddenly fell down; melting as if it wasn't pure solid just earlier. ❝So you are the Cosmos' students that they were talking about, huh? You damned Ha, Jeong, Kim, and Jeon. You people had the audacity to call back up too!❞

A man wearing a white coat suddenly bursted out, his voice loud and clear as he pointed at the group of girls; in an accusing way. Heejin gave the man an odd look before snickering loudly, ❝You got it all wrong, old man. ❞

❝Ha, Jeong, and Kim are not here.❞

❝So these are their weak substitutes? What absurd things!❞ The slayers all howled with laughter, the session lasting for a few moments until their surroundings suddenly broke down. Suddenly, all coughed up the colour of crimson red as they kneel down to the ground, vomiting the sudden rush of blood escaping their lips.

❝So.. who is the weak one now?❞

What happened?

Did something went wrong with our plans?

Why is there blood on the ground?

Jeon Y/n smiled in sadism at the lack of response, walking forward as she held three pills. All in different colours, red – blue – yellow. ❝Pick one or you might survive. If I were you, I'll pick the blue one—❞ Scrambling to steal the blue pill from her hands, a W–Slayer swallowed it hastily; only to fall back on the ground, eyes wide, looking lifeless and skin pale as a deceased person.

❝—if you would like a fairly easy trip to hell. Didn't even let me finish, how pitiful.❞ The young Jeon smiled a closed eyed one, clearly ignoring the death glares that was set on her. ❝The red pill gives you a very powerful source of magic while the green pill will help you escape from here.❞

She maintained her close eyed smile throughout, emitting great danger while still showing the now two pills in front of her. Her voice going deeper than it was supposed to be, ❝So which pill will you pick?

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