7. I Don't Want You With Somebody Else

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Alcohol, Drugs, Fighting, Foul Language, and Mature Themes are mentioned in this chapter.

Narrator's POV

Venus's world came spinning as she fell off during her table performance. She was singing her heart out, little did she know her balance could give out so quickly. Venus tipped over and started to fall until she was caught by George. George forgot everything and appointed his way to her before Venus could be injured. Venus fell into him and tilted her head back with a smile on her face and skin exposed. George noticed her seductive exposure in her skin-tight little black dress.

Concerns grew all over the room as Draco rushed his way to see the disappointment before him. Venus looked so beautiful. Draco was curious and drawn to the sight that she was. George looked at Venus in his arms and was talking to Fred, who was right beside him. Fred was clueless about what to do, "Mate, what are you going to do?" Hermione and August were rushing to them for aid. "He needs to keep her awake. That's what he needs to do," Hermione instructed the twins. August was worried for her friend of course, but she knew this wouldn't be so serious. August spoke out in a zen tone, "Guys, everyone needs to relax. Just take her to get cleaned up and let the party continue."

The group caught on quickly to her odd mannerisms. It was rather obvious that August was high. George and Fred started laughing out, "August, are you high right now?" Hermione frowned in disappointment, "Of course she is! For merlin's sake, someone takes Venus out of here before something worse happens. Also, who is responsible for the drugs? " Ron and Isobel then crept up laughing at the dazed faces they saw.

"You got to try it, Mione. Isobel brought it and bloody hell." Ron being high gave the twins slight concern along with Hermione. However, Fred saw this as an opportunity for his brother to have alone time with Hermione. Fred slyly suggested that Hermione should take care of Ron for the rest of the evening. Hermione was shy at the suggestion, but proceeded to do so anyway. She was helping him of course, just helping. 

Fred motioned a clear path for George and Venus. As George walked by with Venus in his arms, heads were turning. Draco spoke up attracting too much attention to himself, "Careful not to drop her, Weasley. I mean, you never know with people like them." George was about to turn around to face Draco, but he knew better not to give Draco the satisfaction. However, George did say, "Watch it Malfoy, don't start something you won't be able to finish." Draco was silent and scowled him from behind. Draco then left the scene to get his space from everyone staring at him.

While everyone was still at the party, George was in the bathroom helping Venus. George hoisted her up onto the sink as he wiped away her smudged mascara. Her once perfect makeup, had now been slightly ruined from the evening. "Well, out of everything, at least your lipstick wasn't ruined. " George said absentmindedly. Venus laughed as he fixed up her messed up hair. Venus then whispered into his ear, "Wish it was." George froze at Venus and looked into her eyes and could only let out a disapproval expression. However, he wanted to object to what Venus would lead on.

Venus caught on quickly, "You want to know something Georgie?" George was still trying to clean Venus up. "Sure, what might this be?" George replied. Venus propped herself off of the sink and rested her arms onto George. "You should've asked me to dance, handsome. I wanted a hot guy to have his hands on me." George laughed and picked up her chin, "I'll dance with you when you can stand up properly, darling."

Without keeping her balance, Venus started to fall over at George's words. George swiftly caught her again, but this time it was different. They were both silent and staring at each other's eyes. They were inches from each other's lips and only seductive thoughts ran through Venus's mind. "Are you going to kiss me yet?" were the words that left her lips in a whisper. At this point, she had long forgotten trying to get back at Draco, her only focus was wanting George to run his hands all over her and mark her as his. She wanted his lips onto hers. Venus could tell that George wanted it too.

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