"Do you two..need to talk it out?"
Charlie asked and also suggested for Vaggie and her to leave,so that the two can somewhat talk it out for themselves.

"No!" He shouted."We can talk here!"

"O....kay?" The demonette nodded.
"So what's the problem?"

Anthony stood up from his seat and slammed his hand on the table causing the plates and utensils to clatter.

"Lucas pissed me off!" He gritted his teeth angrily.

Vaggie almost slapped herself in the face,"That's all?!"
She shouted.

"No way! He also made another copy of my key and then watched me sleep!"

"Watch you sleep?" She asked.

"Pffft" Charlie snorted.
"I don't mean to be rude but didn't Al do that too?"
She bit the inside of her mouth to prevent a laugh to escape.

Vaggie gave her the stop-talking-look. Then gestured to look at Anthony.

Anthony returned back to his seat quitely, looking down on the floor. The adrenaline he felt earlier completely drained out.
He felt like a lifeless puppet.

"Hey Tony, I'm sorry about earlier.." Lucas muttered.
He was on the other side of the table but they were still facing each other.
Anthony nodded in return.

"That must've been creepy, sorry.." he added.

Anthony's head was still hung low but he peeked a little through the bangs covering his eyes.
He saw that Lucas ear's were drooped down and his eyes had this sort of conflicted look.
That's all he needed the confirmation that the demon's apology was sincere and wasn't some shitty act to make fun of him.

He sighed,"I get it 'yer sorry,it's fine."
The blonde mumbled.
"And I've already burned the shitty key anyway."

"So were good?" Lucas perked up.
Anthony chuckled a little,"If I said we aren't would you cry?"

"Maybe a little"he admitted.
Anthony began laughing,
"Crybaby" he cooed smugly.

"Seems they forgot were here" Vaggie spoke,hands on her chin as she stared at the two with this disgusted expression.

"Oh come'on Vaggie let them have their fun.Ain't that great?
We're all a happy family!"
Charlie giggled.

"You think?" Her brows raised.
"The radio demon just stopped doing anything,ain't that a little weird?" She pondered.

"He must be planning something. I'm sure of it."
Charlie sighed and placed her hand on top of her lover.
"Shh. It's a happy day today,let's not waste it on some assumption."

She squeezed her hand,"I'm still not convinced. I think we better keep an eye on him."
Charlie placed a hand on Vaggie's face quieting her down.
"It's going to be okay" she smiled.

"Hey Lucas?"

Lucas raised his left ear,"yeah?"

"You said you were going somewhere yesterday right?"

The demon nodded.


"Uh nothing important.Just a stroll."

"Tell me the truth" Anthony glared at him. His eyes were staring at his blue ones examining every movement and action he makes.

Lucas sighed in defeat,
"Remember the place I told you about?"

Anthony perked up,"The one where you said you'll bring me?"

"Yeah that.I just went there to fix something for a bit so it wouldn't be embarrassing if I did take you there."

"Huh." Anthony slumped his head on the table.He looked at the demon,the piercing gaze earlier completely gone instead blue ones met rather sparkling,soft emerald orbs.
"You must really like that place." He smiled."Kinda makes me curios."

Lucas stared at Anthony for a minute or two,his eyes very fixated on staring at the blonde beauty.
He felt his chest tighten everytime he saw him,but still,he didn't have the courage or will to look away.

Lucas chuckled but not his usual one,this one seemed a bit too forced."Yeah..",he muttered quietly.

"So when are we going there?Tomorrow??"
Anticipation could be seen in Anthony's eyes.

"What?NO!" Lucas panicked.
"Next week let's go there next week!"

"Next week? Isn't that a bit too long?" Anthony raised a brow,clearly confused.

"Not at all! You see I still need to prepare and stuff.."

"Well whatever as long as we can go there I guess"
He shrugged.

To be continued...

A human in Hell (RadioDust)Where stories live. Discover now