Vicrul turned the corner, a towel hanging low off his hips, water dripping from his scruffy blonde tresses onto his shoulders. You couldn't help the eye roll and groan the emanated from you, Vic only chuckling as he grabbed a cigarette from the carton resting on the island in the kitchen, pulling the lighter out along with it, lighting the end quickly and taking a long drag, the smoke lingering in his lungs before blowing it out of his nostrils.

"Viccy, who the fuck is this broad?!" the blonde asked shrilly, stamping her foot as she pointed at you.

"Candi, this is my sister." Vic said, bringing the cigarette to his lips again, inhaling deeply. You turned to look at the woman, her mouth hanging agape. With a smirk, you walked up to the blonde, getting close enough to her that you could almost choke on the scent of her cheap cotton candy perfume.

"Call me a broad again, and I'll beat you within an inch of your life, Candi," you continued, "Now, get the FUCK out of my brother's apartment."

You could hear Vicrul exhale, the scent of burning tobacco permeating in the air as the woman grabbed her coat and exited the apartment with the slam of the door. Turning on your heel, you narrowed your eyes at your beloved brother.

"Well...," you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest, "Candi seems delightful. Way to keep your standards high, brother."

Vic inhaled the last of his cigarette, leaving the butt in an ashtray on the island counter, smirking at you. He shrugged his shoulders, turning back to his room, leaving a trail of smoke in his wake.

"A man has his needs." He exclaimed from his bedroom.

You rolled your eyes. Sitting on the couch and getting comfy, you scrolled mindlessly through your phone while waiting on Vicrul's return. Nothing seemed to keep your attention for very long, growing bored quite quickly with the drabble that consumed the screen.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence this early in the morning?" Vic said, walking out of his bedroom in sweatpants and t-shirt, sitting in the arm chair next to the couch. You chewed on the skin around your thumb, not able to keep eye contact with your brother while you were attempting to piece together your apology.

Quit being a pussy and just say it, you thought to yourself.

"I wanted to apologize for what I said last night. It was out of pocket and I'm sorry. I knew those words would hurt you, but I said them anyway." You mumbled, looking back up at him. Vicrul gave you a sad smile.

"You're forgiven. Thank you," Vicrul said your name, smiling, "Now, get over here and hug me like mom used to make us do when we were pissed off at each other!"

You couldn't hold back your laugh as you stood, hugging him as tightly as you could. Fond memories of your mother threatening you both with an 'ass whooping' because you both were too stubborn to embrace the other after a fight flooded your mind, causing you to squeezing your arms around your brother just a little tighter. Vic pulled away first, holding you away from him at arm's length, a shit eating grin on his face.

"Let me guess, you woke up this morning, the guilt absolutely eating you up inside, so you walked your ass here in the freezing cold, just to apologize?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. You blushed, nodding. As you opened your mouth because you felt the need to defend your actions, Vicrul continued.

"And before you say what I know you're about to say, apologizing through a phone call, especially to me, is just as genuine." He stated, walking into the kitchen, digging through the kitchen cabinets, pulling out a coffee filter and a bag of grounds. You rolled your eyes, perching yourself on the kitchen island.

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