
Start from the beginning

"It's fine," Eleanora said, way too fast. "Don't- don't worry about it." She was still rooted to the spot.

"El, I wasn't going to-"

"I know."

"You know I would never-"

"I know."

A flood of memories she wasn't ready to deal with had come back to her all at once. Things she'd forgotten by chance as well as things that she'd tried so hard to forget. Her vision blurred for a split second, and then refocused on Bill's face. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind. "Forget about it," she said softly, taking a step towards him. "We need to get out of here."


Snow fell softly on the beach outside of Shell Cottage, coating the sand in a thin layer of white. Bill and Eleanora stood on the crest of the little hill overlooking the house and the smooth, untouched snow. Every breath left a little cloud of steam hanging in the air. Eleanora was sad to see that the house was empty. There was no sign that Marilda Hopkins had ever been there. Even the studio was gone, leaving an empty plot of land between the cottage and the shed. Eleanora stared at the spot where it had once been, thinking back on her time at the cottage.

"It's... perfect," Bill said, pulling Eleanora out of her own thoughts. "Seriously, El, it's beautiful." She leaned into his side and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders cautiously. Eleanora laughed.

"Oh, stop it, William. You don't have to be all careful around me now, really." She wrapped her arms around his middle and rested the side of her face on his coat.

"Just... promise you'll let me know, okay? If you're ever uncomfortable."

"Yeah, I'll do that." Eleanora broke away from him and took his hand, pulling him down towards the house. "Now come on- it's freezing out here!" There was a note on the front door, and Eleanora pulled it down and read it.

I've gone on a long journey, and will no longer be needing Shell Cottage. As we already discussed, I want you to have it. You'll find that, as the new owner, the door will only open to you and those you give permission to. I do hope you'll find refuge here as I did. Best of luck in all you do-

Eleanora stared down at the letter, and then at the door. "You really think it'll only unlock for me?" she said in wonder.

Bill reached out and tried the handle. It didn't budge. "You try."

When Eleanora twisted the door handle, the door flew open with such enthusiasm, it banged against the wall on the other side, making Eleanora jump. "Guess it really does only work for me."

"And those you give permission to," said Bill, winking at her.

"Mmmm, we'll see, Weasley. This could be fun."

Bill laughed and Eleanora stepped inside the house, pulling him after her. Marilda had left all of the old furniture there, but the place felt clean and somehow new. A place for just the two of them. Bill walked slowly through the rooms, looking at everything.

"So... this is all yours?" he asked, finally turning to her. She took a step closer and wrapped her arms around him, interlacing her fingers at the back of his neck.

"It's all ours," she whispered, pulling him down to her level. His lips met hers and he wrapped his arms around her waist, tipping her backwards slightly as he kissed her. When they finally broke apart, Bill looked down at her with a playful smile.

"You wanna- ah- show me the bedroom?"

"Shut up, Weasley." Eleanora grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the stairs, a deliriously happy smile covering her face.


When Eleanora woke up, the room was pitch black. She sat up and searched around frantically for her new wand, which Mrs. Weasley had gotten her a few days after she'd gotten home. Her fingers grazed Bill's bare skin next to her and he rolled over, reaching out to pull her closer.

"Bill, love, we fell asleep," Eleanora said, shaking his shoulder. Her other hand finally found her wand and she whispered, "Lumous." A small beam of light lit up the bedroom.

"What time is it?" Bill muttered, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes. Eleanora grabbed his wrist to check his watch.

"Shit, it two o'clock."

"But it's all dark out."

"Two in the morning, you idiot." Eleanora rolled out of bed and started pulling on the first clothes she could find. In seconds, Bill was right next to her, grabbing his own clothes and tossing Eleanora's over to her.

"Look, it's fine," he said reassuringly. "Maybe they didn't even notice we left."

Eleanora snorted. "You think Molly didn't notice when we didn't show up for dinner?"

"Shit, you're right." He wrapped his jacket around her shoulders and took her hand. They sprinted down the stairs and out onto the snow covered beach. "Ready?"


Bill apparated them perfectly onto the doorstep of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Eleanora pushed the door open and they fell through, trying to be as silent as possible so the portrait of Walburga Black wouldn't wake everyone up. It didn't work. Sirius' mother's screams filled the hallway, making Eleanora cringe and Bill hurry forward to pull the curtains back over her.

"Shhhh, shut up," he murmured, finally getting her to stop.

Eleanora squinted down the hallway, ready for Mrs. Weasley to burst in and start screaming at them almost as loudly as Mrs. Black. It didn't happen. She exchanged a look with Bill and they crept towards the kitchen, where a light was shining out of the door. As they got closer, they could hear hurried voices coming from the room.

Mrs. Weasley was standing with Lupin and Sirius, tears streaming down her face. Both men were trying unsuccessfully to comfort her, and looked up in surprise when Bill and Eleanora walked in. "Mum..." Bill said, hurrying to his mother's side immediately. She glared at him.

"Where have you two been?" she said through sobs. "Beds empty- just as bad as when the twins stole the car."

"Mrs. Weasley, we just lost track of the time," Eleanora said comfortingly. She motioned for Lupin to move, which he did, shooting her a grateful look. Eleanora rubbed Mrs. Weasley's shoulder consolingly. "We're alright, really. Everything's alright." Mrs. Weasley burst into a fresh wave of tears.

"No it's not," she said, turning to bury her face in Bill's shoulder. "Arthur's been attacked."

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