Chapter 7

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    Finally it's Sunday and I have my violin back. I'm thrilled and my life almost feels complete except I'm missing one thing: Maya. Although I suppose I can't complain because by the end of this week I'll be in New York.

    Topanga and I always go on a birthday date on mt birthday. It's just lunch a date so she can still eat dinner with Cory and have a romantic night. But our lunch date has always been our special thing and I love it. Plus it's not like I have a girlfriend to spend it with so I could either spend it alone at home pretending I don't exist or could spend it with Topanga in New Yveork. I think the choice is pretty clear here.

    This week has gone pretty fast and I'm so glad I'm in NYC. There isn't very much snow left in the city so I'm thankful for a warm Valentines and birthday. There was still a good portion of snow left at home but it wasn't cold so that's a good thing.

   When I woke up this morning my mom had made me cupcakes, a birthday breakfast, and she had a gift for me. The wrapping paper had a blue background and cartoon violins covering all around the present. It must've been hard to find that wrapping paper, like really really hard. I unwrapped the paper and opened the small box. Inside was a gold pin of the violin. I loved it.

"Wow, thanks mom!" I said.

"Your're welcome," She said "You better get going. You wouldn't want to be late." I had already eaten breakfast and was ready to leave anyways.

"Okay, bye." I said to my mom, my dad was finishing up some last minute plans for my mom.

"Don't forget to bring Auggie here when you leave New York." She told me.

"Okay." That's all I had left to say. I just couldn't wait to be in NYC. This place felt like home to me, I've been there so many times.

    Topanga and I are suppose to meet at this Itailan resturaunt. I parked my car a few blocks down the road since I knew it would be imposible to get one near the resturaunt. When I saw Topanga she was wearing the most beautiful navy blue dress with white shoes and she had her hair curled.

"Josh, you look so handsome!" I was wearing a suite and tie with my black church pants.

"You look beautiful Topanga." I seats.  said. She thanked me and we walked inside the resturaunt and took our seats. Next we ordered our food, we both got spagetti.

"So how's violin going?" She asked me.

"Vioiln is going great, but the school had to cut funds and get rid of few things and they made orchestra band one of the ones that got cut."

"Oh no that's terrible." Topanga said.

"I know."

"Have you considered auditioning for Julliard?" She asked me.

"Julliard?" Julliard was a hard school to get into and it's practically impossible to get an audition. I'm not good enough anyways so I don't think I should waste my time on the idea.

"Yeah, as in the school."

"I don't think they would accept me, even for an audition." I told her.

"I wouldn't say that." She said with with huge smile.

"Topanga? What do mean? What did you do?"

"Well, at your last concert when you had a solo I filmed it and sent it in and here." She handed me an envelope with gold letters that said 'Julliard' and pulled out a paper in the envelope.

It was a letter that read:

Dear Joshua Matthews,

We have seen your pre-audition video and we would like to see you again for an audition on May 23. We do realize that you are not a senior yet but we have an early study program for students still in highschool if you do well in your audition.

Sincerly, Julliard

"TOPANGA THANKYOU THIS IS WONDERFUL!" I shouted. I think the whole resturaunt could hear me but I didn't care.

"Your welcome." She said.

"Do my parents know about this?" I asked.


"How do you think they'll react?" I asked her.

"Well hey can't really be mad at you since all you didn't do this behind their back. They'll only be mad at me. But honestly I think they'll be more happy that their son is talented enough to make an audition to Julliard."

"This is amazing, thanks Topanga."


    After we finished eating dinner we both said our goodbyes and I decided I would go explore the city, as I have done many times before. I didn't want to take my car since it was such a hassle to get it through the so I took the subway.

    I entered the subway just in time to see Farkle and that guy Lucas, who I've heard Riley has a crush on. They were both looking around for something. Then Farkle pointed to someone with blonde hair and also a brunette. They both rushed over to the two girls. Then the girls showed their faces. It was Riley and Maya. They both seemed to be annoyed by Farkle and Lucas. But why? I thought they were friends. Then Lucas says something to Maya and both Riley and Maya's faces change. Riley has this huge smile on her face and Maya has a face of shock. Fakle seems to have a smile too. I can faintly hear and read Maya's lips say "What?" but that's all.

    Then Lucas does something I didn't expect. He leans down and kisses Maya, on the lips. Then I see Maya do something I didn't expect, she kisses back. I'm confused. Why would Maya kiss him and why would he kiss her. I thought bestfriends's crushes were off limits. I'm also hurt. I liked Maya and I don't think I was ready to see her with another guy. Then Maya see's me.

"Josh?" I turn aroud to hide my tears and my hurt, then I bolt out of the subway as fast as I can because I don't want her to see me like this. Not like this, not in this state. I keep running. I don't where I'm going but I'm not going anywhere near Maya anytime soon.


Authors note- Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in four days I've just been busy with schoolwork and I got a cello so I've been busy with that too. Anyways, this chapter was full of some good news and bad news for Josh (poor Josh). This is my prediction for who will kiss Maya in he season finale. The next chapter will be in Maya's point of view so you'll know the full story. I will have that chapter ready by tomorrow night most likely. Bye!

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