Chapter 10

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"You know it's a strange feeling," I said "When you like someone who is your friend." I said.

"What?" Louisiana asked.

    We were in the park sitting on the bench like we always do on Friday nights. She was sitting beside me. We were sitting in silence tonight. I guess neither of us felt like talking to eachother since we'd kinda pissed eachother off earlier with one of our normal fights.

"Especially your bestfriend. You don't know if they like you back or if their just being their normal self. You know I've liked my bestfriend since the day I met her. I've told her things I haven't told anyone else in my whole entire life." I was about to tell her. I'd been waiting for months. I wanted to tell her on Christmas Eve when I finally realized it, but I didn't want to risk our friendship.

Why am I saying it now? I really don't know. maybe I'm not thinking, maybe my heart is doing the thinking today, maybe I'm actually doing what I want.

"What are you saying Joshua?" I love it when she calls me Joshua.

"I'm saying I want to be more than just classmates, or friends, or bestfriends." She looked into me, not at me, in me. As if she could see my soul. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand." Of course that's all she said. She never goes into detail on less you ask her that specific question.

"What do you think about my confession?" I asked.

"What is your confession?" She asked.

"I like you." I said.

"Josh, you couldn't possibly." She said. She laughed as she said this.

"I could."

"Look, just give us sometime," She got off the park bench and started to walk  the other direction "I'll  come to you when I'm ready. Bye Joshua." She started walking towards the city buildings away from me. I just sat there, on the bench, alone. A little bit later I got up and walked home.

    I sneaked through the door and tried to be as silent as I possibly could. The room was pretty dark but not dark enough for me to see an outline of a person. I couldn't see their face though. 

"Hey Josh." The voice was familiar. It was the beautiful voice of Maya Hart.

"Hey," I said "What are you doing up?" Why was she here anyways? Riley normally tells me when she stays over so I can have a warning. Oh, wait. I forgot. I was suppose to stay at Louisiana's tonight... The blame's on me this time.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep. The usual." She said. I still couldn't see her face. I don't know if that was good or bad. The moonlight shined on half of her face. It created an illusion that she was half a person, or half a soul (as my lovely friend Louisiana would've said). She looked quite gorgeous.

I need to stop these thoughts, now. 

"Oh," was all I said. I turned and walked to my room. On my way there I passed Auggie's room, Riley's room, and Cory and Topanga's room. My room was at the end of the hallway.

I turned the door knob and entered the room only to be surprised by the next event of a thousand years.

Authors Note:

Thankyou for reading my fanfic to this point. I apologize for such a long wait for my update. I've been really busy and haha that's honestly my best excuse. Many of you probably don't like this chapter which is understandable. Please do not give up on your ships, things will get better.

p.s. I have also started writing a 10 poem Corpanga (Cory&Topanga) Poem book. I recommend you check it out.

Lots of love,

Georgia Heart

100 reasons to love MayaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora