Chapter 6

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Hahahaha hey y'all.... I haven't updated in like 3 weeks but I'm doing it now so ENJOY!!

Also my writing is not the best if you couldn't tell but let's continue.

John's POV
Flash back to when his dad came ~

I woke up dreading the day ahead of me. My dad was coming to New York all the way from South Carolina just to see me. Most people are excited when one or both of their parents come to visit but not this guy. My dad wasn't always bad. He was actually pretty great. Until he started treating my mom wrong. Then she died when I was 15. After that things changed. He started drinking everyday, blaming me for my own mother's, and leaving me to take care of my siblings while he got wasted at bars.

Instead of laying in my bed sulking around I decided to get up and get dressed. Once I was done I walked out into the living space of the shared dorm put on my shoes and coat grabbed my keys and wallet then left.

We were meeting me at a coffee a shop a few minutes away from campus. When I got there I ordered a plain cappuccino before spotting my dad and sitting down in front of him.

My father looked up from his phone spotting me, "Hey Jacky." He said smiling at me. I sighed and sat down.

"Hi dad." I said in a airy breath.

He sat his phone down on the table and took a sip of his already purchased coffee.

"So..." he started "how's school going so far. You enjoying your law classes?" Dad was still smiling expecting me to say yes.

I groaned as he bought up the topic. The only reason I'm minoring in this class is because it was apart of an agreement so I could major in Marine Biology.

After taking another long sip of my drink I decided to actually respond. "Yeah I guess there ok." I said quietly

My father stared at me waiting for me to go on but I never did. "Well...they can't just be ok," he sternly said.

I rolled my eyes and spoke, " It's fine, dad ok it's just fine." I braced myself for my dad's lecture about how we made an agreement and I should be great full to be able to take both classes especially law.

The lecture started soon after I made my statement and went on for about five minutes. Until I finally had enough. "Can we please just drop it already." I asked.

He nodded and moved on to the next question. "Have you got a girlfriend yet?" He smirked.

I thought for a few seconds. I could either A. Lie, say yes and make up a random girl. B. Say no tell him I don't like girls and get yelled at and I don't really feel like being scolded and chastised. Or C. Just say I'm too busy with school and I have too much work. I think I'm going with C. It's the most reasonable and it's not necessarily wrong.

"No I don't. Schools been really hectic recently with all the work and I haven't really had time to think about dating." I lied trying to make myself sound believable.

My dad signed and spoke up. "Well you know Jack you have to get back out there and find yourself a pretty girl who can be your future house wife.

I stared at the man so called my father that sat in front of me in utter shock. "What do you mean by "house wife."" I say clearly wanting an answers

He looked at me and shook his head. "John don't be dense. You know the only thing women are good for is cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children. Possibly their bodies if they don't look fat after child birth." He laughed.

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