Chapter 47: Dead End

Start from the beginning

The goo is slow, but it's unstoppable. It's smart. It poured itself into the pipes because it knew it couldn't get around the chasm made by the acid. And this goo-will it grow back into a zombie because of the cell regeneration, or did the acid damage it so much that it can't regenerate but is still alive?

What would happen if me or Peter were sprayed with that acid? What would happen to us? Would we become like that goo? I swallow thickly, not wanting to think about that too much as we run down the hallway, passing a few rooms with numbered plaques on them.

The alarm continues to blare as my heart pounds in my chest, and the red lights continue to flash. I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment, the lights and sound combining and making my head throb.

But then we reach the safe room and head inside. There are no flashing lights, no alarms. I release a small breath at the silence.

"We're in the safe room, Veronica-er, Basic. Seal it off," I say, and a second later I hear the door locks click, along with the seal that will keep it from getting under the cracks.

"Wow," Maxine says in awe as she takes a look around. It's nice. There are beanbags and a TV, and there's a room connecting to it. She walks into it and lets out a laugh. "There's even an en suite with a shower."

My shoulders tense. "Did you say shower?"

She pokes her head out of the en suite, her brows furrowing in confusion at my strained tone, but then her eyes widen in realization. I rush over to the en suite, slightly relived that no goo is dripping from the shower...


"But the goo left the pipes to follow us down the hallway," Maxine says, and I glare at her.

"And how long until it figures out it can't get in through the door and tries to find a way to the pipes? The P-Type arm went into the vents when it couldn't get to us before, and the only reason it fled was because it needed to regenerate. I think the acid damaged it too much, so this is probably the only form it can take now, meaning it's going to try to get in this way. And since it's liquid now, it may be able to-to split up."

"Well, what do we do?" She asks, and I bite my lip.

"Veronica Basic, is there not no way you can patch us in to Sam or-or even a settlement that's closer to the plant? Anyone?"

"I'm sorry. Computer damage is too extensive to restore coms," She replies, same as before, which really is disappointing. "Although I have done as requested and activated the general distress beacon."

"And do you know if anyone has responded to it?"

"There seems to have been no response at this time."

I curse under my breath, every nerve in my body on edge. "Okay, well, if you can't bring Veronica back online, and you can't contact anyone for us, then... then maybe-"

I cut myself off, trying to think of something, anything that might help us. This is why we need Sam. This is why we need an operator. He can see things we can't, figure out ways to get us out of here. He had blueprints of the plant. He could tell us where to go. How are we going to get out of here without an operator, without anyone?

I hear a squelch of something hitting the shower floor, and when I turn my head, I see thick, brownish liquid starting to seep from the shower head.

"Warning. The contaminant has spread throughout the building's plumbing and ventilation," Veronica Basic states. "Containment is failing due to system damage."

"Shit, shit!" I curse before we sprint for the door. Maxine lets out a command for Veronica Basic to open it. We can't stay in here, and if the safe room is compromised, there will be no room we can get to to wait for help to come or for Veronica to get back online. We have to find a way out of here without the goo following!

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