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A/n- :(

Ally hears her front door open. She's in her kitchen making lunch. She looks around, and sees nothing but hears children laughing.

She turns around at straight into Lauren's arms. "Hello beautiful." Lauren says and kisses Ally. Ally was surprised.

Where was the zombies? CEDA?

"You okay baby?" Lauren asks when Ally doesn't respond. Ally looks at her finger, noticing the wedding ring. They were married.

"Um yes...I'm just-."

"Daydreaming again mom?" Billie walks in with Levi in his arms. "Levi wants a bottle." She says. Ally looks at Levi. Her Levi. "Where's Dustin?"

"Right here mom, I just got home from practice." Dustin says as he placed his soccer ball down. Ally was in shock. This couldn't be real.

"Kids go play or something, I'm gonna talk to your mom." Lauren says and they casually go about there day. Once they left Lauren sighs, "Baby," Ally hears, since when does she call her that, "I know you're probably still upset but my love we will always have disagreements, I didn't know it would still affect you still."

Ally shakes her head, "N-no it's not that...is this real?" Ally holds onto Lauren. Lauren chuckles, "Is what real?" Lauren holds Ally.

Ally felt so safe.

"This? Us? Everything?" Ally asks. She feels Lauren kiss her forehead before she answers, "No."

Ally looks up to Lauren who was now a full zombie. Ally screams and backs up into the counter, hitting her head on it. She blacks out.

Ally felt weak.

Ally fluttered her eyes open.

Joe was taking her blood. He was cutting her. Bruising her. Hurting her. She wanted to die. He kept inserting drugs into her system to keep her quiet. "Look who's awake." He says. "What's your price to comply with me?" He asks.

She knew what she wanted. She was waiting for Lauren to come. She knew she was here. She could feel it. But Joe was so much stronger. How could she possibly get them both out alive.

"You know if you would just comply with what I'm telling you, you wouldn't have to be chained...I can spoil you to your life's content." Joe says toying with Ally's hair. "Why would I do that?"

Joe chuckles, "When I like something I have to have it." He grips her thigh and squeezes it. Ally cries, and when he lets go she can see the bruise already forming.

Joe smiles and gets up, "It is people like you that are the reason we created this infection."

"People like you?"

"People that don't listen, out of control, we created this infection for population control, instead we got this shit show, but now I can control the remaining living with this vaccine...you don't realize what control I will have when this gets out." Joe messes with the vials he was messing with.

Ally sees three little test tubes with her blood mixed with other ingredients. "It'll never work, greed is blinding." Ally says.

Joe sighs, "I can't believe after your own lover sells you out you still want to trust people, your kids have died for you, your parents, your friends...just tell Lauren to leave the ship and no one else has to die."

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