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A/n- y'all know I hate these.

1 year later
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Ally stirs awake, her naked body under her white sheets. She looks at Lauren who had that familiar grin on her face every time they go to bed after sex.

Ally grabs her robe, and walks to her son's room. It was a beautiful morning, the beautiful macaws were outside the living room window. Ally silently goes into Levi's room, knowing she would wake the kids and Dinah if they heard her.

"Mama." Levi mumbles tiredly, and Ally knew why he was up. Their pet monkey Tipo they found near a small port before departing Houston had jumped on the boat and joined them. He was very attached to Lauren. 

Tipo likes to take Levi's pacifiers so Ally gets out a new one. "Tipo, go outside." She tells him and the monkey chitters, exiting out of Levi's window. Ally kisses Levi's forehead, moving his curly hair out of the way.

Levi lays himself back down, and falls asleep. It was too early for any of them but Lauren. But since moving here, Lauren likes to sleep in a little more.

Ally leaves Levi's room and goes to Dustin's. She smiles at him, he was asleep in a weird position. She sees he went to bed playing his Nintendo. Most likely with Dinah.

Ally climbs the ladder to Dinah's room. She smiles, her guess was correct. Dinah was asleep on her couch, also with a Nintendo in her hand.

Finally, Ally goes into Billie and Chloe's room. Since dating, Ally and Lauren didn't really care they shared a room, they're just happy they finally came out and told them.

Ally notices Billie was uncovered because her blanket was on the floor. She carefully steps into the room, and covers Billie. When she was tucked in and warm, Ally decided to go back to her bed.

"Tipo take his pacifier again?"

Ally chuckles as she walks in the room, "Yes, you know him."

Lauren sighs, "You should've let me shoot him before we got attached." Ally laughs, and lays beside Lauren. Lauren runs her hands down Ally's body, moving her robe to the side.

"Didnt you have enough last night?" Ally asks when Lauren peppers kisses on her exposed skin. Lauren shakes her head, "No."

Lauren and Ally stop when they hear one of their traps outside go off. Lauren was fast to throw on some basket ball shorts and a sports bra to go check it out. She walks out of their own patio, and sees a zombie trapped in their bear trap.

"It's a little slow one, I will get it after break fest." Lauren says and Gets back in her. Ally looks at her shoulder scar. "You've been having less nightmares lately." Lauren tells her. Ally nods, "The farther we got away from it all, the better," Ally looks out their glass door, "Do you think we will always be okay? You know, safe?"

Lauren sucks her teeth, "With you still alive, I think the chances are low...Normani's almost done with an airborne cure." Ally nods her head in agreement, "Promise me if it ever came down to it, the day you need to do it for the safety of our family, you'll do what you have to."

Lauren groans, "Not this again, Ally I ca-."

"Lauren, you know it's a risk, I'm a risk but if it meant putting the kids lives in danger you will do it." Ally says seriously. Lauren knows what she means. If CEDA or some other agency came after them for Ally, she will put her wife down.

"I promise...but that won't happen for a long time." Lauren says and brings Ally back down to her. "I promise you I won't let go, I'm never going to do that again...especially not anytime soon."

Ally kisses her, "You know I love you right?"

Lauren smiles, "I love you too...now let's get some shut eye for a bit longer, God knows once Camila and Normani come over then all hell breaks loose." Lauren and Ally laugh together for a bit, and Lauren go back to her rested state.

Ally however stays up, and thinks about everything they've been through. The closure she got from her parents video when Lauren finally showed her. She always thinks about how far her and Lauren have come from the moment they met. From when Ally nearly shot her at the hotel.

From meeting the kids, and them becoming their own. How blessed they are to have Dinah back, and that she learned to shut her mouth about her and Camila around Normani. Ally is relieved the run is over. They get their happy ending together. With each other. With Lauren.

The en-

"We got a visual on her, do you want us to engage."

"No, let them have a few more weeks this way, have them think they're okay...little do they know they have bigger problems on their way."


Run - AlrenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant