To france we go

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I packed my suitcase, throwing pretty much everything I had in my wardrobe into the bag.

"Your going to have fun Calista"
I sighed. Doubtful of her words.

"I just think it would be better if I stayed with you, then I can help you with cleaning"

My mum worked tirelessly for these rich clients, cleaning their giant houses for well below her rightful salary. I had been offered a trip to France from my university, an exchange trip. I was to stay with the family in the south for 3 months, help me learn their language and their living. Doesn't sound so bad right? But I can't help but feel guilty that I'm leaving my mum to overwork herself.

"I don't need help with cleaning, cal, you are going, I want you to go, you might find yourself a job there, I mean you're 20, you can't live with your mother your whole life"

My mum was beautiful, she had me at a very young age, so wrinkles were still foreign to her. People always told me I looked like my mum, I had brown wavy hair that fell below my breasts, and these green eyes that mimicked my mothers.

"I love you" I kissed her head, and walked out with her preparing for the trip.

It wasn't a long trip, considering it was only Heathrow to whatever airport in France, a few hours on the plane at the most. I met up with ellie at a costa in the airport after leaving my mum at the entrance.

"This is going to be great" ellie said, her bright blue eyes glistening with anticipation. She was an athletic girl with curves similar to mine, she had blonde hair which settled on her collarbone and a big grin which highlighted her joyful exterior.

"Ellie maybe you will finally pick up one of those hot french boys I know you dream about" she giggled looking away from my glare.

"Maybe I will" I smirked knowing her thoughts were not shy off innocent.

The plane was a short journey, and ellie slept on my shoulder for the duration, her music only slightly audible through her headphones. We collected our baggage and got in our taxi which was already waiting for us. Our paperwork in hand which had the families we were staying with- we were staying in the same village, about 15 minutes from each-other we had worked this out back in England.

"Tomorrow we have to go to the beach, I didn't buy 5 bikinis for nothing" she was gazing out the window.

"Yes definitely, first person to get someone's number" this was a game we played a lot in London, I always won.

"Fine and this time I'll win"

"Okay Eleanor" calling her by her long name always pissed her off.

She gave me a warning glare which made my smirk bigger. I opened the taxi window and mimicked waves with my hand, feeling the warm air caress my fingers.

Ellie was dropped off first, where we promised to text each-other every day, and sort out plans. Then it was my stop. The House was big, with white painted walls and a massive driveway. I got out thanked the driver in the best french accent I could muster up, and began my walk.

The door was big, dark oak and looked slightly vintage. I reach my hand to knock, but the door swung open before I had a chance, I was greeted by a smiling lady, she had dark olive skin and black her that was messily pulled over one shoulder.

"I'm Lisa, how was your trip"
She spoke good English her french accent only just slipping through.

"It was okay thank you. Calista" I awkwardly reached forward to shake her hand, but she pulled me into an embrace.

"You will meet the rest of the family at dinner, although I'm not sure that Elias will be here tonight, your probably eager to unpack follow me"

She took my suitcase even after I protested that it was okay. We walked up these long staircases and came to a hallway, she showed me my room, then pointed to the door next to it- the bathroom, and finally a door opposite, she didn't open it, she just said that was her sons and that if I needed anything in the night her bedroom was just to the left of the stairs down the other corridor. I thanked her and she left me to unpack. I already felt homesick, but I least I was with a nice family, I mean I haven't met Elias, but how bad can he be.

A/N I was messing around with my friend on Snapchat and we both decided to write a story from what we were sending each other. I hope you enjoy This first chapter, it will be the shortest. Have a great day, or night if your one of those read-wattpad-till-3am typa people ❤️

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