Chapter 4-a new world

Start from the beginning

"And you didn't want to get clobbered over the head?" Y/n deadpans. Belfast smiles

"Precisely" she says, sitting on the edge of the bed as if she were his mother, taking a trey off the counter and resting it on her lap.

"I have come to inform you that we have arrived at the Azur Lane command Island. Likewise, in order to help you wake up I have prepared tea and coffee, both generic brands mind you, in order to serve you properly as a maid I will have to explore your interests, but this will have to do for now I'm afraid, in terms of waking you up, would you like tea or coffee?" Bel says respectfully, Y/n looked at her with a hazy confused look

'Have to do'? Lady, the fact that your serving me is just fine...'

"Have any vodka?" Y/n asks tiredly. Belfast frowns slightly

"that's off the table" she states, somehow still sounding respectful.

However he shocks her again with a smile. This smile however was playful, coy, a smile that said: 'challenge me. I dare you'

"Oh? I thought my maid was supposed to look out for me and do anything I wanted?" Y/n says coyly, moving his face closer to hers.

Belfast just keeps her motherly, slightly cocky, smile

"Precisely, which is why I won't let you destroy your liver with alcohol, vodka is an evening drink, coffee or tea Master?" she reiterates,  Y/n rolls his eyes

"People die Young in my profession all the time I don't know what you're bitching about... coffee I guess" Y/n says as Belfast hands him a mug.

"It's hot" Belfast warns, right before said warning is completely ignored as Y/n downs the whole cup in one gulp. Belfast, the night prior, had learnt to expect this sort of behaviour from her master

"For future reference, how do you like your coffee?" Bel asks curiously

"Black, no milk, no sugar" Y/n says quickly, this slightly surprised Belfast

"Interesting..." she says making a mental note

Handing the mug back to the maid Y/n rolls the covers off himself and swings his legs along the side of the bed.

"I shall meet you at the command building, don't bother getting your bags, I have already moved them to your office, furthermore, I have taken out an outfit that I believe suits the weather, however master, if I may speak my mind?" Bel states. Y/n raises his eyebrow, as if to ask 'yes?'

Bel couldn't hold in her smile

"I would like to take you shopping later Master, your wardrobe is... a bit black and grey for British tastes" she says, holding in a giggle

"Bold of you to assume a soldier has money to burn"

"Bold of you to assume I'd let my master pay" Belfast says happily.

"Get dressed now, I'll meet you at the command building" Bel says, vacating the room

Now all alone Y/n sighs

'What did I do to deserve her?' He mentally asks himself.


Y/n walks down the exit ramp into what looked like A giant dock. He was clad in his grey combat pants with a black t-shirt that read in white lettering: "white army, black Baron" Y/n was quite fond of this shirt as it made fun of the Russians

But it wasn't just the cruise ship he walked out of, as he stepped into a whole new world, the Azur Lane command center was located on an island in a narrow channel, surrounded by the giant base that housed the entire British fleet.

It was beautiful, no longer was the sky cloudy grey,  but now a glowing cyan, and the ocean around him contrasted with a deep blue.

Walking down the dock, the beginning of the island was a beach and he could see girls playing

Were those all ship girls?

Some turn to look at the new man intruding onto their land, but most minded their own business

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Some turn to look at the new man intruding onto their land, but most minded their own business

Walking to the end of the dock Y/n found a map:

"Huh" he speaks aloud, this place was quite impressive, even for his standards

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"Huh" he speaks aloud, this place was quite impressive, even for his standards

It looked like the command building was located in front of the fountain, perpendicular to where he was standing

And so he makes the rounds, admiring the marketplace that seemed to shine in front of him, standing right in front of the fountain he finds Belfast and the American girl... it now clicks with him that she had been a ship girl

 it now clicks with him that she had been a ship girl

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"Ah master, you're here" Belfast bows

The American waves to him

"Hello commander! I'm your new flagship! USS Enterprise!" She exclaims, Y/n cocks his head

" I thought she was my flagship" he says pointing to Bel. The girl giggles

"She's your secretary, I lead your fleet" she says proudly pointing to herself, ok now she really lost him

"Hold on, wait, I'm sorry, you just say: 'fleet'?"Y/n questions, not getting the picture

"Yes silly! You're the new fleet commander! Com'on, I'll show you 'round!" She says grabbing his hand and pulling him around the fountain

"Now hold on a second!" Y/n says, clearly distressed.

Belfast giggles and follows the two

"Oh master... you still have a lot to learn..." she says

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