"He made his bed, he can lay in it. Besides, I don't think it was just that. No one has really told me much but from what I can put together, he fucked Jimin up badly. He's okay now but I guess he's the reason why he doesn't like training subs, he straight up broke his heart."

Sadness filled Jungkook at the new onslaught of information, the idea of Jimin feeling heartbroken or upset or rejected by anyone enough to make him want to run into his arms and reassure him. Jimin was the kindest, most loving and reliable person Jungkook had ever met. Sometimes he felt ashamed of the fact that he was even in his presence, he seemed like such an angel. He was beyond patient, and reassuring, he never lashed out or did anything with foul intentions. He'd inspired him to finally live how he wanted, the last thing he deserved was a broken heart.

Absently he could recall the vague details Jimin had given him on his past with training subs. He knew that Iseul had been the only one, and that it had ended badly. But he assumed that meant a fight or something less one sided. Suddenly the man's hesitant demeanor made more sense.

"I get very attached to my submissives." He'd explained, the first time Jungkook ever saw him seem doubtful of himself.

"Is that all you care about, getting trained?" Was another thing that came to mind, the hurt in Jimin's voice when he asked it, but the utter lack of shock as well. As if he had expected that to be the case.

It was enough to make Jungkook furrow his brows and focus on the road as he resumed his driving. Suddenly he didn't mind Iseul being banned so much, it should have happened the moment he planted any sort of self doubt in Jimin's head. Maybe he was being dramatic or overprotective of a man who was clearly more emotionally stable than him, but he had this deep frustration that anyone had the audacity to treat him with anything but kindness.

Jungkook pulled into the parking lot of their apartment and watched in mild amusement as Taehyung gathered at least six large bags into his arms from the mall. While the two friends were often broke, for Jungkook it was more of a generational circumstance. Taehyung lacked money because he tended to buy anything that caught his eye, his room looking like a sort of shrine to any hobby he held for more than an hour and his closet filled with any trend since 2016.

"Don't get too bored without me." Jungkook teased and Taehyung rolled his eyes, his lips parting from his milkshake.

"Hoseok-hyung and the dads are coming over, I think you'll be the bored one."

"No offense to Seokjin but I think BDSM is more interesting than being force-fed noodles." Jungkook replied, causing his best friend to burst into peals of laughter. He grinned and waved him goodbye before looking into the back window and reversing.

He only allowed himself to speed a little bit onto the way to Jimin's house. The older man was very strict about him driving, basically saying if he found out he was driving while he was upset again that he'd be in very deep trouble. Then made it clear that it wasn't the good kind of trouble that created butterflies in Jungkook's tummy every time he thought about it.

Jungkook still had trouble accepting and considering that Jimin worried about him. He'd always been so self-sufficient that no one ever really fussed over his safety. They never needed to, so he never had to keep in mind that there was someone concerned about him. He still forgot to text Jimin when he got home, but it was still insisted that he do so. To most people it must be frustrating to have someone that adamant on being aware of their situations, even Taehyung remarked that it was odd how much he looked out for him. Jungkook liked to reason it by saying it was probably his mindset as a dom before laughing it off. It was odd enough to look out for someone as much as Jimin did, but it was weirder to enjoy it, which Jungkook definitely did.

Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby // jikookWhere stories live. Discover now