"I see you and Ron still aren't talking to each other." Ginny said while looking past my shoulder at Ron.

"Yeah, I think it's best if it stays that way. Besides, he's with Hermione now so I don't want to deal with it."

I flipped one of my books open to the last page and read. A moment of quiet broke out amongst the end of the table. The sound of Neville's timid voice broke the silence, as if he was uncomfortable with the vacancy of voices.

"How erm — how do you feel that your best friend is practically dating your ex boyfriend?"

I looked over at him and furrowed my eyebrows. A look that read "Really, Neville?"

"Sorry." He dropped his head to the table and nervously shoved a forkful of chocolate chip pancakes into his mouth.

"No, no it's okay," I took a breath in and held it for a moment. "It stings a little bit, but I — I think the hardest part of it all is that I lost my best friends." I looked over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione who were laughing together. "They seem better off without me anyway."

Harry turned his head in my direction and we made eye contact. He smiled at me awkwardly and waved. I weakly smiled and waved back.

I'm glad I still have Harry as a friend. I don't know what I'd do without him.

"I'm sure they'll come around eventually. It's not your fault, Kinley, it's theirs. And I know Ron is my brother and all... but I'm here for you, always." Ginny smiled and nodded her head.

I smiled at her and glanced over to Ron again. As I turned to look back I noticed Draco staring at me from the Slytherin table. It was the first time I've really seen him since that night. The first time he's bothered to look me in the eye and acknowledge my existence. I immediately felt a pinch in my stomach. My heart thumping faster, and harder, like a rush of adrenaline ran through my veins.

Why is he staring at me?

I stared back at him for a few moments waiting for him to break contact, but he didn't. It seems as though he was looking at me the whole time I've been down here. He glanced over at Ron and then back at me. He rolled his tongue along the inside of his cheek and arched a dark-blonde eyebrow. A slight smirk grew on his face and I narrowed my eyes.

Is he seriously smiling about what happened between Ron and I? What a dick.

I soon broke eye contact out of annoyance. I turned away from him and dropped my head slightly.


I was admiring her for some time before she actually noticed.

She was staring back at me with her annoying, beautiful green eyes. Why were they so beautiful all of the sudden? At least she's no longer with that weasel. They were an eye sore together. I glanced over at Weasley and back at her.

I couldn't help but remember that night in the astronomy tower. It was far from what I'd usually do with a random witch, but she didn't feel random.

I would do it again, but not with her, I couldn't. She's not even a pureblood nor is she a Slytherin. Father would be disappointed if he ever found out. I figured avoiding her throughout the day was the best thing for now.

I wonder what she's thinking about right now. I wanted to legilimize on her just to understand what was going on inside that walnut brain of hers, but it was too hard to focus.

Her eyes narrowed after I grinned and she looked me up and down nervously. My heart started racing all of the sudden — I could feel a pulse in my throat as if I wanted to vomit but... in a good way? I grounded myself; trying to regulate the pace of my heart but I couldn't. I don't know the bloody fuck why, but I just couldn't. I didn't let the sudden change inside of me affect the outside. I stared between her eyes. Fuck, why is she so pretty?

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