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» [george's pov] «

"Hey, sleepy-head. You have to wake up, we have school." Dream said softly. George woke up, and looked at Dream. 

Am I in Dream's house right now?

He paused and looked at his surroundings.


Am I in his bed?

Realization hit George and he springs up from Dream's bed. 

» [clay's pov] «

"Dream, I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to cause any trouble-"

 He was cut off by Clay. "No, it's fine. I really enjoyed watching you sleep, it was cute." 

Clay's face turned bright red and he covered his mouth with his hand.

Shit, fuck, shit. Why did I say that in front of him?

"I-I didn't mean that, G-george-"

 But it was too late. George was bright red. 

"Uhm, I guess I'll see you at school, Dream."

                                                        ⁎⁺˳✧༚ time skip ⁎⁺˳✧༚

"Hey, Clay, I heard that you got George all knocked up earlier." Nick giggled from behind. Clay turned around to face Nick. "Dude, it wasn't that bad. He just had a couple drinks, that's it." Clay said with a blush creeping onto his face. 

"You're lying to me, Clay," Nick said, rolling his eyes, "you're blushing."

Clay turned to face Nick.

"I am not blushing, dipshit." 

"Sure, buddy. Whatever makes your world go round." Nick smiled sweetly. 

"Same thing could be said about you and Karl, doofus." Clay retorted, exhaling loudly, as if he was annoyed.

"Sooo, whatcha talking about?" Said a bright and cheery voice from behind. Nick and Clay turned around, only to see George. "I-it was nothing, George." Nick snorted. "If you say so, Dream." George said.

Clay noticed Nick pause for a second.

Nick started to laugh.

Clay stood, confused.

"W-why do you call him..Dream??" Nick laughed, struggling to breathe.

George turned red instantly.

"N-none o-of your business." George stammered.

"Sure, man!" Nick turned around and saw Karl.

"Hey, Karl!" Nick yelled to Karl, blushing.

Clay whispered George's ear, "Let's leave the two lovebirds alone."

He grabbed George's arm and pulled him towards the bathroom.

"D-dream, where are you taking me-" George was cut off by Clay.

"To the bathroom." He replied.

"B-but, why?" George said, embarrassed.

No reply.

Clay knew George was worried, but he didn't care.

George is mine, right?


"How are you not hungover?" Clay whispered on the way over to the bathroom.

George blushed. "I have no idea."

Clay stared at George's handsome face. 

He's so cute. 

They went into the bathroom.

Clay was about to start talking when he noticed the look on George's face.

"George, are you okay?" Clay asked, worried.

George was frozen in place.

Clay turned around, only to see a man with long pink hair.

449 words

sorry for short chapter!! i promise something good is coming!

i love you!

thank you so much for 82 views, this is fucking insane to me.

thank you so much guys, this means a lot

just one peek (dreamnotfound + sapkarl)Where stories live. Discover now