the blade

242 9 18

tw// mentions of suicide

» [pov of techno] «

"God, didn't they listen?" Techno grumbled, rising from the ground.

This is a bother, now I have to clean the floor.

He grabbed some paper towels, wet them, and started to clean the bloodstained floor.

"I told them. 'Techno never dies.'" He said to himself, satisfied.

He checked his wrist. He watched the number 4 turn into a 3.

That man, Clay, he's good.

I won't mess with him.

For now.

He whistled as he scrubbed the floor, the soap on the towel becoming red.

He threw the old paper towel away, and started to clean the floor with a new one.

He hummed a tune that didn't exist, drifting off into his thoughts while cleaning the floor.

Don't carelessly throw your lives away, Techno.

this mf looked death into his eyes and didnt flinch

When the floor looked clean to Techno, he threw the remaining paper towels away.

He walked out of the bathroom, to the doors of the school.

I hate spending more time in here than I need to.

His stomach rumbled. He reached into his backpack and pulled out some Gushers.

This'll allow me to hold over for now, I guess.

He ate all the Gushers instantly. He threw the package on the floor. 

He knew littering was wrong, but he didn't care. He hated this world and the people who lived in it.

He secretly hated himself. He'd wanted his life to end, up until this point. He cherished his lives right now, because Clay and George made it..


Before their existences, he desperately wanted to kill himself. He'd taken so many lives before, in his past lives. He watched parents and their children die. He'd murdered families.

All for himself. He'd wished his life was interesting, had some meaning. Clay and George made his life interesting. Mainly Clay, since his desire for George was enough to want to kill for George.

I like the way Clay obsesses over George, it's kind of funny.

He heard a pop, and he knew his stab wound had already healed. He hated dying since he would have to be dead for an hour or so, and he hated how Hell was. It was uncomfortable, hot, dry, and there was no escape, unless, obviously, you had more than one life. 

The first time Techno had died, he knew he would go to Hell. He was only innocent for a little while.

At 5 years old, his parents were murdered. 

At 7 years old, he'd already tracked the murderer.

At 8 years old, he took the murderer's life, it was his first time killing someone.

At 11, he killed his friends, who were too power-hungry.

At 16, he was cursed.

At 17, he'd fought in a war, and was trained as an assassin.

At 18, he committed suicide, but his curse brought him back to life, and the 5 on his arm faded to a 4.

He was 19 now. 

He hated those memories, they reminded him of his old, boring life.

He visited people's ends, as a small voice to encourage a smile.

He decided to track Clay, but not let Clay know that he was still alive. He knew Clay had probably taken George to his house, because he knew Clay couldn't leave because George didn't want to.

He already knew where Clay lived, so he ran over to his house, and looked in the window. He saw George, Clay, and another brunette he did not know the name of. He slumped against the walls outside of the house. 

My tears are all dried up and I have lost feelings.On someone's behalf, who would live for me?

He waited for George to come out of the house. When George didn't, he sat there all night.

He didn't sleep for a second. He sat against the wall.

He knew he had to keep his guard up around Clay. He decided to switch spots every five minutes to be undetectable, and to make sure he didn't fall asleep. His eyes darted from left to right, making sure nothing was there.

What am I getting myself into?

He sighed quietly, remembering not to give his position away.

listening to agoraphobic while im writing this and holy fuck just when i thought my mental health was shit it got worse lmfao wtfduwojsokmsomx fuck 

i cant believe hes the fucking falsetto in the background at the end of the song like w h a t how can one man be so fuckin talented

So, there's Clay, there's George, but who the fuck is the other guy?

His appearance was the most noticeable. He was wearing a white bandana on his head, and he was a brunette like George. He felt his eyes getting heavy. 

No. You will not sleep. No sleeping.

He pinched himself to make sure he wouldn't fall asleep. He knew that he wouldn't be able to stay up for longer. He got an idea, one that was foolproof- unless Clay had powers or something. He got up and looked for an animal.

When he found one, he killed it and made sure it bled. Once he had the animal's blood, he put it all over him, and on the floor next to him. He needed to make sure he looked like he was bleeding out or was dead. He let some of the blood drip, making it look like he had a trail of blood following him. He also tore a piece of his clothing to make it look like he had soaked up the blood, to make sure they wouldn't be suspicious of the blood trail starting close to the house. 


He drifted off to sleep.


thanks for reading, sorry for taking so long to write this trash chapter

ily :)





word count: 980

単語数: 980

just one peek (dreamnotfound + sapkarl)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt