Episode 8 - The party at the dwarfs' cottage

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My dear friend,

I imagine how you and the family must be busy these days, so I won't take you long. We are very happy for you and looking forward to meet again. You are always on our hearts.

I am so sorry I won't be there for you this Saturday, assisting like you did on my wedding day. Now that you will become by brother... After all, you have been my brother for a long time.

As I told you, S. always thought that Jeanne had a good heart, kinder than Catherine. So you realized.

I wish you all the joy and happiness, hoping that you and Jeanne will be as happy as I am with S. I have never been so happy in my life, despite all the obstacles we went through.

The kittens are growing very fast, especially D. They are the greatest blessing (and little nightmares sometimes).

S. and I send love and embrace everyone. Tell my parents and the Professor I miss them very much.

Cheers to you and Jeanne,

PS - You must be counting the days to leave your mother-in-law's house. Our father-in-law is a saint, but I feel sorry for everyone living under her roof.

Charles folded two small sheets of paper into tiny pieces. He was sat down by the desk in the office. Cinderella was standing by his side with Papy on her hand. Then Charles stood up and attached the letter to Papy's legs. Cinderella petted the small purple bird, who once in two months flee to her father's house in the Emerald kingdom.

'Please, take care, my dear', asked Cinderella.

'Don't worry', replied Papy.

Charles and Cinderella released Papy in the balcony. The couple watched the bird until it disappeared in the sky and looked down to their small garden, where the children were playing with Paulette, Patch, Bingo and Chouchou. Frances eventually saw Charles and Cinderella, and started waving at the parents.

'Will the children ever meet our parents and friends?', wondered Cinderella, after waving at Frances.

'I'm sure they will', smiled Charles while putting his arm around her shoulder.

It was a Tuesday afternoon in late August. Daniel had just turned 6 in late July, whereas Frances turned 3 in late December. Charles turned 24 in late July, three days before Daniel's birthday, and Cinderella was about to turn 23 in early October. A year had passed since Charles, Cinderella, Daniel, Frances and the animals met Princess Snow White, her husband Prince Richard, her children (Charlie and Theresa) and the dwarfs. The children and the couples got along so well that they met regularly, despite Charles' fears that the connections with the royals could arise suspicious concerning his identity. Fortunately, Richard and Snow White usually met friends outside the castle and had plenty of reason to befriend Charles and Cinderella, given that Charles had saved their daughter Theresa and three dwarfs from drowning in the lake. The dwarfs also made the foreign couple and their children feel completely welcomed. They even reinforced the magic protection of the forest, to prevent evil people from approaching Charles and Cinderella's house.

'Who could have thought that Alex and Jeanne would marry? Love shines even in the darkest moments...', commented Cinderella while putting her elbows on the handrail.

'You could hint that from Alex letters', replied Charles.

'It wasn't that obvious', countered Cinderella.

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