I ate a couple more than slid the bag under the bed. Jay had hit me and got the bag. "Put it back under there, Jay" he shook his head no then opened the bag. "You wanna get it in trouble, huh?" I took the bag from him and he started crying.

Yn came out of the bathroom and gave me the test. "Why is he crying" I hugged her before answering. "He tried to get the bag of candy and I said no" "Jacob! Why'd you give it to him in the first place?" I ignored her question and started making faces out Jay as he started crying again. I laid on the bed as Yn tried to get the M&M's.

I got them down for her and she started to eat some. She gave 3 to Jay and 1 to me. "You got a chocolate bar in the bag" she shrugged her shoulders and kept eating my candy. I took her candy bare and took a bite out of it. Yn put Jay to sleep and went downstairs. I turned off the TV and followed Yn.

Jacob POV

Yn sat on top of me and laid her head in the crook of my neck. I rubs her legs and felt her blow raspberries on my neck. "Aren't you happy, Yn" "Yes but... I have to go threw all this pain and stuff" She huffed in pain and started to cry.

"Don't cry, Yn. Its ok cause its the way of life" I wiped her tears off her cheeks and kissed her. "What time is it" "Its 2:07" "What do you want for lunch" I started to mess with my afro and think.

Yn got up and went into the kitchen. "We can make pizza or noodles" "What do you mean by noodles""its a home-made generation that got past down" I got up and went into the kitchen and smirk at Yn. Yn looked at me weirdly and smirked back. I went over to her and hugged he waist and made a trail of my kisses down her neck.

She shivered and leaned her head the way I was kissing her. I felt my self rise up against her so I back away. Yn turned to see what I was doing and laughed. "Haha! Nigga horny I'm so we--" Yn ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Oh OK,Yn" I went towards her and bent down to her level. I started massaging her stomach as she kept throwing up. She then got finished and flushed the
I sat on the toilet cover than Yn sat on top of me and started to cry. I rubbed her back as she wrapped her hands around my neck and breath heavily. "Yn its OK. Almost all girls go threw this"

Yn got off of my lap and looked at me in a mad kind of way. "So you don't care that we go through pregnancy, periods, do you want me to continue you?" She yelled at me. I shook my head 'no' and left the bathroom and back upstairs.

Yn stayed downstairs and cooked all 3 of us some noodles. I went and checked on Jay, who was sweating like crazy and tossing and turning wildly. I woke him up and then he started to cry. "Daddy! Don't leave me I sworry daddy!" He hugged my neck and continue to cry. I wiped all of the sweat off of him and hugged him back.

"I'm not leaving you Jay. Not me or mommy or your sister" Yn came up here and tooked Jay away from me. "What happened?" "He had a nightmare" she rocked him till he got quiet. She laid him back down without the covers being on him.

"Do you maybe wanna lay him downstairs with us?" "Yep. And your carrying him" she beamed at me and went downstairs.

Dante is the baby(awwwee

I know it was short do I'm sorry.


Next chapter I'm starting it when she's about 3-5 months pregnant❤✌

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