Chapter 19: Finding Hope

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Andy and I were walking together, trying to find a place to stay, after the apartment got overran after a guy ran into the door and broke the door down. We were both moments away from turning into one of those beasts.

This idea is going to sound riduculous and stupid, idiotic, anything you want to call it, but me and Andy are going to the CDC.

If there are any sane people, they'd be at the CDC. In a chance of 1 out of 10, chances at the CDC are like a 0.5. 

Chances are going to be slim. 

Very slim.

Chances needed to be took.

I'm at the breaking point here.

As is Andy.

We are about a week away from getting there.

The sun was about to go down. We picked a place with a lock on the front foor. 

Special right?

Privacy. I mean when's the last time that even mattered? To anyone really,

Not like trying to take a shower, or changing, or peeing, doing private things, does that matter anymore?

We've been on the road 2 weeks, 3 days, and 6 hours. 

Oh, I found a watch. Well, I didn't find it, Andy gave it to me.

Andy. She's doing good. She's a year younger than me. I'm about 15, or 16 now, I don't know anymore.

I mean, who has enough time to remember the dates, or times or birthdays or anniversery, besides trying to scavenge anything to eat, drink or anywhere to sleep.

I notice the air around me smelling stronger of the dead. It's always smelled like dead, but it's stronger, like really strong.

We get up onto the hill and see maybe thousands or walkers.

Blocking our way.

"We have to keep going." I mutter and start walking towards the woods, maybe we could get around them.

A sudden un-needed thought bombardes my mind.

I don't want Andy to end up like Haley.

I push that thought to the back of my mind.

I miss Carl.

I miss his hair.

I miss his hat.

I miss his eyes.

I miss his smile.

I miss his warmth.

I miss his body.

I miss the way he used to hold me when I was upset.

I miss the way he held my hand when we walked together.

I miss the way he always had a panic in his eyes each time I cried or screamed.

I miss the light in his eyes that kept me going.

I miss the way his arms wrapped around me so perfectly.

I miss his stories.

I miss his lips.

I miss the closeness we had to each other.

I miss the companionship.

I miss the love.

I miss the happiness.

I miss him.

Sometimes I miss everything. About the group I mean, I miss my sister relationship with Maggie, my father relationship with Rick, my brother relationship with Glenn, my uncle relationship with Daryl, my real relationship with Carl.

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