Number 3

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"Okay kids, listen up!" Assistant principal, Mrs. Dixie Normous, shouted above the crowd exiting the bus. "We want you all to follow the park rangers into the back of the building to situate your stuff. Girls stay with girls, boys stay with boys. We want you all back here in less than twenty minutes, got it?"

An annoyed and tired chorus of yes's replied as the entire tenth grade entered the museum.

"Less than twenty minutes? Oh, my ass." Alfred grumbled. He grabbed his own suitcase and proceeded to help Kiku with his, despite the latter's protests.

The entrance to the museum was not as grand as Kiku expected. It was just a small building with a lighthouse attached to it. The inside had paintings of boats and a timeline of the lighthouse's history. Nothing special at all.

In the room were said timeline is, the boys were to sleep. The girls were lucky enough to get to sleep upstairs, far away from where any of the chaperones were sleeping.

The boy's "room" definitely was no luxury. All 48 boys in their grade squishing to fit in a room that only holds about 20? Not a good idea. Kiku was glad that he was able to convince Alfred to let them stay in the corner, so Kiku would at least be squished up against the wall instead of some random person.

After the two teens finished laying down their sleeping bags and luggage, they met outside with all the others. Alfred talked with his friends while Kiku stared off at the scenery behind him.

He thought it was magnificent, to say the least. Growing up in the mountains, it was a rare occasion Kiku would ever visit the beach. He did once when he was nine, and got bit by a crab, begging his mother to never take him there again. But somehow this beach is very different than the one in Joetsu. Well, for starters it is a completely different ocean than what Kiku's used to. Plus it's awfully rocky. How is anyone supposed to swim there? Maybe it's a good thing Kiku forgot to pack his swimming trunks.

"Alright kids! Headcount time!" the Assistant Principal shouted as everyone tried their best to get in a straight line. As each student was counted, a pamphlet was handed over to them. "This pamphlet contains all the items you need for the scavenger hunt. At the front table inside there are disposable cameras for you to take pictures of your findings. Remember each group gets one."

Kiku looked down at the pamphlet as Alfred ran off inside to get them a camera. "And the rest of you, there are very important rules and breaking any of them will put you at risk of suspension. So listen carefully and don't forget to tell your partners when they come back. This is a state park so remember no vandalization or taking anything you're not supposed to. And always stick with your partner. No splitting up under any circumstances. You are allowed to team up with others but remember the prize can only be given to one group. We meet back here around six for dinner. Got it?"

The whole class agreed and the Assistant Principal dismissed them. Without even a moment to collect his thoughts, Alfred dragged Kiku away from the crowd and down towards the beach.

"Alfred! What are we doing?"

"Getting as far away from the others as possible! You heard the lady, only one group gets the prize, and I'm not settling for any other place but first. So what's on that list?"

Kiku stared at the blond, dumbfounded. Why couldn't the school just let them choose their own partners? "Uh, let's see... The first thing it says on here is the shell of a... How do you say that?" Kiku meekly pointed at the paper as Alfred read over his shoulder.

"Oh! A whelk! It's like this cool sea snail kind of thing. Like a skinny conch, y'know?"

"Erm... No, I don't..."

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