Number 2

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The day had finally arrived for the tenth grade. Kiku and his step-father arrived at school bright and early so Kiku wouldn't miss the bus assigned to take his class to Montauk. Haruto insisted on waiting with his step-son to ensure that he is able to get on the bus safely, much to Kiku's dismay.

The two stumbled through the sea of children, the bags under Kiku's eyes darker than ever. Moving to America had made him less of a morning person. He rarely had time to get his homework done after school, that he stays up till the next day to get it finished. Running on three hours of sleep is not as easy as it seems.

"Kiku! Kiku! Turn around and smile, your mother wants pictures!" Haruto shouted. Kiku's face went red in embarrassment. "Oh c'mon, you can do better than this! Stop looking depressed, make a happy face!" the man chastised.

"Haruto, I'll send you pictures when I get to Montauk. You should go home now, you're one of the only adults here." Kiku suggested, trying his best to hide his face from the phone camera's flash.

Haruto rolled his eyes and chuckled. "No I'm not! There's plenty of adults here. Teachers, security guards... oh look! That lady over there is doing the same thing as me!" he said, pointing at a tall white lady with short blonde hair.

Stood in front of her was none other than Alfred F. Jones, alongside a boy who looked almost identical to him. The two were posing together as the woman took multiple pictures of them on her iPad mini. Alfred had a huge beaming smile on his face as usual, meanwhile the boy adjacent to him looked as if he wanted to disappear.

Kiku watched the two until his and Alfred's eyes met. "Hold on a sec Mom, HEY KIKU! Over here!" the blond shouted.

Kiku sighed and walked over to him, step-father following in tow. "Good morning Alfred..."

"You're finally here! Mom, Mattie, this is Kiku! The Japanese boy I met in Spanish last week. Dude, Mattie's been dying to talk to you. Secretly he's a total weeb, you two should totally link up or something. Just a warning though Mattie's really awkward and shy, but you seem to be the same way too so-"

"Alfred!" both of his relatives scolded at the same time.

Haruto laughed. "Kiku! You never told us that you have a friend! Hello ma'am, I'm Haruto Honda, Kiku's step-father. Pleasure to meet you." he said, introducing himself to Alfred's mother.

The woman smiled, "Nice to meet you too! I'm Samantha Jones, but you can call me Sam. These two are my boys, Alfred and Matthew. Alfie's told us so many good things about your Kiku." she spoke with a heavy Southern accent. A bit odd for someone who had moved down from Canada, but Kiku didn't feel like questioning that now.

Kiku turned to Alfred and his brother. "Hello Matthew. So you like anime, correct?"

The teen nodded timidly. "Y-Yeah... but just a little. Not that much."

"If 'just a little' means keeping a huge-ass Naruto shrine in your closet then I'm afraid to find out what liking it a lot means." Alfred snickered.

"Al! I told you not to mention that in public, ever!" Matthew whisper-yelled.

"Twenty minutes till bus departure!" One of the assistant principals yelled through a megaphone. Alfred grabbed his backpack from his mother. "We should definitely head on guys, I wanna get seats near the gang. Is there anyone specific you wanna sit next to, Kiku?"

"No. Not in particular." Kiku answered. Alfred nodded and he and his brother both kissed their mother on the cheek goodbye.

Haruto spread his arms and beckoned Kiku over to him. "Aren't you gonna give your old man a hug?" he asked, anticipating an answer.

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