Weekend with Sam and Diana Part 2

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"I should call."
"Finn, you left 20 minutes ago. What possible may go wrong between then and now?" Meg Snow said switching the car radio off. "Neal hated getting left behind. Poor kid's distraught;I'm calling!" She slapped Finns hand reaching towards his phone. "Ow! Neal needs me!" Finn protested. "He needs time adjusting without getting called by certain overprotective big brother." Meg commented. "Two minute phone call!" Finn started dialing, "Making sure he's adjusting." Meg forcefully took action; "Hang up!" She pulled the phone away.
They played tug of war, Meg and Finn both hellbent winning. "GIVE.IT.FINN." Finn has zero intention letting go. "SHIT!" They scream, the phone accidentally gets tossed backseat flying underneath the seats. "Huh, I won after all." She bragged. "Shut up Meg." Disappointed, Finn scowls and switches the radio on. "Neal's perfectly fine, a smart and confident kid. Similar to his big brother." Finn half smiled relaxing slightly. "Right, little dude's okay. Sam and Diana know how to take care of kids." He sighed. "Remember, they'll call if needed. Relax Finn, try enjoying our weekend" She kisses his cheek.
"Finn's vomit landed on the nearby humans leaving the movie theater. Big guys stomach struggled handling three sodas and three large popcorn refills." Sam finished his latest embarrassing Finn story; Neal reluctantly listening stuck between Sams side and couch arm. "Entertaining story Sam." Neal awkwardly chuckled, 20 minutes passed and he's missing Finn terrible. Sure Diana and Sam treat him kindly, but no one shares Finn's personality. Hearing Sams weird stories weren't bad enough, Cory, Juno, and Noah keep glancing at Neal like a freak. Because I am a freak, Neal thought. Who else passes out at their own birthday party, has terrible nightmare, anxiety attacks and keeps quiet? Making self doubt worse, Knights are giants and Neal's human. No matter what, they'll see their human family member nothing more than the tiniest Knight. Neal will turn 18 someday and he remains the smallest Knight. Rarely the size difference bothers Neal. "Neal, ever ate at Walts Pizza Palace? Sam's taking us all there tonight." Diana said sitting at her husbands side. "No ma'am." Neal politely answered. "Ma'am? Honey, feel free saying Diana. Ma'am sounds too old." She said. "Sorry Diana, and Walts Pizza Palace isn't familiar." Neal responded. "They make the greatest pepperoni and cheese pizza." Neal doubts Sam, Finn Knights homemade pizza taste beyond delicious; Walts pizza stands zero chance proving superior. "Wait, Finn forget lending money!" Slightly confused, Sam and Diana quickly confront their guest sudden worry. "What money Neal?" Diana asked him. "He forget lending dinner money ma'-Diana!" Neal corrects himself. "Sweetie, we'll buy dinner. Your our guest." Neal continued panicking, "But—" Sams index finger stops Neals lips moving. "Fine, purchase dinner guys." The couple smile victorious. "Mommy, when's dinner?" Juno appeared behind the couch, he climbed over to Dianas side. "Another hour darling." She kissed Junos forehead. Neal watched her kind behavior, he's hardly witnessed kind natures mothers bring. Molly slapped, screamed and punch him; she showed zero affection. Memories go blank thinking whenever Molly kissed her sons forehead or gently spoke. Molly lacked mothering skills; Chris lacked parental skills too. Finn raises the child, yet Neal regrets getting denied experience normal family life. A mother who's kind and loving, a supportive father and understanding. Two people he returns home to after school and tells them about his day. Seeing Sam and Diana interact with their children, Neal turns slightly jealous. Juno, Cory, and Noah won't know what life brings when human among giant family members. Getting almost eaten, stepped on, grabbed freely, easily overpowered, smallest person in the room-obstacles Neal hates stuck at human form. "Can daddy make us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?" Juno asked. "Eat snacks now and you'll get full! Why eat peanut butter sandwiches when we eat pizza soon!" Sam said. "Unfair guys!" Juno whined. "Life's unfair baby." Diana taught. "Can I bathe please, Finns sweaty sock oder really ruined my clothes and I enjoy smelling clean when eating." He hardly notices their awkward facial expressions; Sam scoops up the child and grabs few clothes belonging to Neal. Since they lack human sized rooms, Sam draws the bathroom sink knob, he lets water rise until barely reaching the top. Sam places Neal's clothes on the sinks edge. "Need assistance kiddo?" Sam ask setting Neal between the faucets. Sam worried his small cousin lacks ability staying above water. "No thanks, Finn and I practiced swimming last summer. I'll call if requesting help." He said, Sam nodded and left. Neal undressed, Finns sock smell reeks; burning these clothes seem logical: zero chance saving them against nostril burning stench. Testing the heat, Neals foot dips slightly under perfect temperature water. He slowly slipped himself lower into water; Neal sighed relaxing and leaning against his huge baths wall. Peace fills the room:quietness, relaxation, no giants or annoying giants kids. He knows later peace won't stay; Cory Juno and Noah whine constantly and talk nonstop. "But dad, I gotta pee!" His peace gets ended, Cory pounds the closed bathroom door. "Cory, use me and moms bathroom!" Sam said. "Grr! Stupid weird human, he's always ruining our lives!" Cory growls, immediately Sam swats Cory's behind. "OUCH!" Sam put aside his sons yelling and starts lecturing. "Listing good Cory," He started. "You ever mention something rude towards Neal, you'll lose tv privileges for three months." Neal appreciates the giants defense. "That human isn't normal! I heard Finn mention over the phone two days say..." Neal heard shushing, neither Sam nor Cory make anymore sound. "Nah, Finn wouldn't share personal information without consent." Neal told himself. Remaining time he tried enjoying quiet time and pure relaxation unknowing what tonight will bring.
"Hi Sam! Me and Meg arrived at our hotel; tell Neal so he doesn't stress where I am." Finn said over the phone video chat. "Will do Finn, he's bathing right now." Sam said crossing both legs sitting at his chair. "How's Neal doing? Any outburst or concerns?" Though they've spent few hours apart, Finns always keep concerns about Neal top priority. "Freaked out cause me and Diana are purchasing dinner tonight." Sam informed. "Aww, poor little guy." Finn frowned. "Do the kids enjoy having Neal spending few days with them?" The younger cousin asked. "Their not super thrilled. My kids struggle seeing humans equally." Sam shamefully admitted. "Their only kids Sam. I recall when I was young ,and tried eating a human elementary school teacher. Thankfully humans taste disgusting which kept me from purposely eating one." Sam overheard Meg laughing behind Finn. "Finn also almost ate his human dentist!" Meg quipped. "Shut up Meg!" Her boyfriend blushed. "Another story I'll tell Neal!" Sam teased. "Wait, what other stories was he told?" Finn demanded. "Puking on movie theater humans, sneezing snot over your 7th grade class, flipping off those two old ladies when they almost hit your car, accidentally getting one entire human family stuck between your toes when visiting the beach, and you had diarrhea at Grandmas birthday party-I love those embarrassing stories."Sam listed. "Tell Neal when Finn cried watching, Honey I Shrunk the Kids!" Meg chimed in. "MEG,WHAT THE HELL?!" Finn swore. His face continued turning redder mixed between anger and embarrassment. "Who cried watching Honey I Shrunk the Kids." Diana asked entering her living room, she stood behind Sam and leaned closer to their conversation. "Tough guy Finn cried watching Honey I Shrunk the Kids." Sam mocked. "Tell Neal and I'll kick your ass!" Finn threatened. "Not making any promise" He said. "Sam, I swear—"Quickly Sam ended their pleasant chat. "DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!" Juno shouts racing to his parents. "What's the matter squirt?" Sam wonders. "Noah and Cory hung Neals outfit above their bed and locked him inside mommies old doll house!" Sam and Diana panicked, not two full hours before horrible occurrences arrive. "Juno, does Neal have any clothes whatsoever?" Juno shook his head. Sams blood boiled, worlds can't describe the disappointment his boys actions cause. "NOAH AND CORY! ASSES IN LIVING ROOM!" Sam roared. They waited few seconds yet neither boy arrived. "Look how he's crying!" Cory's childish voice snickers down the hallway. "What's the matter baby? Need mommy and daddy?" Noah loudly ridiculed. "Juno, stay here and watch some tv." Diana said. His parent bolt into Noah's room finding them looming over a tiny doll house; light sniffling muffles between the boys laughter. Sniffling belongs to naked, scared, and embarrassed Neal; inside the doll house Neal tries hiding behind few toy shelves. "CORY AND NOAH! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!" Sam barked scaring them, Cory and Noah turn straight around. "Playing with Neal dad." Noah faked smiled. "Yeah, we're playing...hide and seek?" Cory squeaked. "Juno said otherwise." Diana scolded. "Asshat." Noah mumbled, Cory punched his arm giving caution they've caused enough trouble. "Take our boys to our room, I'll assist Neal." Sam grabbed Cory's and Noah's arms tightly and forcefully moved them away. "Neal, did they hurt you?" Diana softly asked grabbing Neals outfit. "No..." he answered. "What happened sweetheart?" She wanted the full and true story. Diana drew closer until Neal spoke up loudly. "Stay back please. I'm not dressed."He whimpers. Obeying his wishes, she carefully tosses Neals clothes to him. "T...t...thank you." Neal dressed and allowed Diana over. "They grabbed me mid washing, and Cory's finger wrapped around my face and mouth. Noah said they discovered their cousins pet amusing when crying. Noah and Cory kept saying I'm not a Knight family member since I'm human." He whispers. "Darling, you know they're wrong right?" Diana questioned, yet Neal didn't respond as she approached. "Idontknow..." Neal mumbled so fast his giantess friend barely understood. "Pardon me?" She hummed. "Rare days the size difference barely matter. Yeah Finn's freaking huge, yet super caring and gentle. In the other hand, Finn easily overpowers me, Cory and Noah easily did too. Having giants family members creates insecurity and wonder where I truly belong among the Knights." Diana carefully watched Neal's facial expressions; Neal bites his lower lip, fidgeting fingers, and eyes closing tightly repeatedly keeping tears against spewing. Feelings he's kept locked away. Diana thought. "May I?" Diana lowers one hand near Neal, he nods and climbs on. "How long Neal?" He's confused hearing the question, he adjust comfortably and sits butt first in the huge palm. "How long did those feelings remain locked away?" She asked. "Few days lately." He answers shyly. "Does Finn know?" Neal tried resisting answering, her eyes locked at the child patiently waiting. "No ma'am." Diana sat at the beds edge holding Neal near eye level. "Not yet, I plan telling him when returns."Neal admitted. "Finn will understand sweetie. Everyone feels insecure once in awhile." She informed. "I know, may I call him?" He asked. "Of course, still feeling like eating out tonight?" Diana dropped Neal off at the bed. He told her and yes and immediately dialed Finn's number once she cleared the area. Neal's hating spending three days here, Noah, Cory, and Juno obviously despise him. Truth be told, Neal misses Finn; Neal plans guilt tripping Finn returning early. Neal patently waiting, three rings and Finn answers. "Hi Neal! What's up little man?" Finn beamed. "Hi Finn," Neal shrugged. "What's wrong bud?" Finn sensed trouble. "Can you return home Finn?"He sniffled. "Neal, what happened?" His brother demanded. Neal describes getting grabbed, clothes ripped off, and humiliation. "Aw kiddo, where's Sam and Diana?" Neal mentioned Diana left and Sam currently scolded his three sons. Finn wanted nothing more than returning home and comforting Neal, yet Neal's 13 and comforted by Diana. The older Knight brother dreaded his next few words. "Neal, what happened completely sucks and understandably humiliating, but three days I'm returning home. Diana and Sam can take care of you perfectly, they're loving people." Neals blood boils, he needs Finn home right away. "Crap Finn! They allowed their stupid children humiliating me, I feel worthless and insecure among giants, you won't return home! Do you honestly believe they're capable handling me if I had a sever anxiety attack or PTSD episode?!" Neal screeched. "CALM DOWN!" Finn boomed across the phone, Neal silenced. "They know about your PTSD. I never allow you alone with people unprepared." Finn knew Neal wouldn't like that news. "YOU TOLD THEM?! WHAT THE HELL?! THAT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE MY CHOICE?! UGH I HATE YOU-I HATE YOU-I HATE YOU!" Neal lost control, he tossed his phone off the bed; tears started bursting and his chest twisted and turn. Anxiety strikes unlike he's felt in few weeks, Neal sobbed but he wasn't hundred perfect what's causing such terrible pain. Finn telling Sam and Diana about PTSD, Finn not returning home, Cory and Noah humiliating him, feeling small in a giant family? Neal mentally pondered. Everything hurt, his life hurt too much. Pain was all Neal understood, when happiness arrived, sadness entered quickly wiping happiness away. Neal closes his eyes praying the pain would disappearing. Despite angered at Finn, Neal understood the giants motive. And how did Neal thank Finn for wanting the best? I hate you-I hate you-I hate you! Neal's words haunted taunted him. He can't imagine Finn's hurt look, the disappointment he caused Finn. Suddenly , warm soft material landed directly under Neal. He wasn't sure which giants held him but Neal immediately started sobbing. "Buddy, I got you. I got you sweetheart."Words Neal heard Sam gently whisper. "S...S...Sam." He wails, Sam holds Neal against his chest. "Shhh...shhhh...I'm here Neal. Family's always here when needed." Sam reminded. They sat there awhile, Neal kept crying until eventually falling asleep in Sam's hand. The family stayed home lacking cause for eating out; night arrived and the giant couple kissed Neal goodnight. Cory and Noah half apologizes regarding their behavior which earned them three weeks grounding. Sam and Diana went to bed. And for the rest of the weekend Neal stayed quiet; he called Finn apologizing multiple times. His older brother assured his forgiveness and excitement seeing Neal again. When three days passed, Finn returned home smothering Neal with love and attention. With how the weekend went, Finn understood he needs to help Neal understand he can't always around forever. Yet, a lesson he rather teach another day. Right now, Finn enjoys each minute along his little brother.
So sorry for very long update! I'm personally not a huge fan of this chapter, but hoped you enjoyed it!

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