Weekend with Sam and Diana Part 1

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"Buddy, I'm returning after three days. You'll have great time at cousin Sam and Diana's house!" Finn and Meg Snow are enjoying a couples retreat, Neal didn't take the news well: neither brother spent two days or more apart. "No! Stay home please!" Neal weeped clutching Finn's ankle. Truthfully the giant sees his baby brother has separation anxiety, months ago Neal attended a sleep over and returned home within four hours missing Finn. "Get off kid." Neal stayed attached no matter how hard the giant shook his foot. "NO! Please don't go away!" Neal cried. "Three days bro. Three days and we're back together." He reassures. He opens a suitcase packing away few more clothes ignoring Neal's tears. Thought he's not showing it, Finns worried leaving Neal. Sure Sam and Diana are family and highly responsible, they've not experience Neal's PTSD, pure tantrums, outburst, and sometimes salty teenage attitude. Worst, young Cory, Noah and Juno are still learning acting gentle towards humans. Last month, Noah got sent home when locking a fellow student whom was human, inside their gigantic locker. Cory asked Finn once why giants can't eat humans and Juno actually attempted stuffing a younger student inside his mouth. Ingrid and Mike normally watch their tiny grandson but their visiting Mikes ill friend. Finn's fellow family members live too far away or busy. Thankfully Sam offered babysitting Finn's brother; unfortunately Neal's not thrilled separating. "Why are you so upset? Weren't you the kid who wanted more space?" Finn asked him. "Yeah...but separated three days isn't what I wanted. Nobody else understands me." Neal whimpers. He needs Finn to stay, what if a PTSD outbursts arrives or nightmares strike? Sam and Diana aren't prepared, they'll see Neal as a freak. Not some kid they want around their children. Speaking of children, Neal fears how Sams kids might react seeing a small human; Juno, Noah, and Cory probably view Neal nothing more than another toy. A doll they can toss back and forth, torture, hurt. Terrifying enough, Neal stress they might try eating him alive. The four boys hasn't officially been left alone together, Finn swears they won't hurt him long as Sam's there. Giant kids always made Neal worried, not all giants share Finn's kind gentle soul. Many giants love selling humans like pets and put electric chips in tiny children. "What happens if I have nightmares? How about PTSD outburst?" Finns heart ached. 13 year old boys should worry about face acne, school grades, studying, making new friends, not about PTSD and nightmares. Neal's not normal however: he's human living among giants, adopted by his giant step brother, two failed  biological parents, mentally and physical abused, socially awkward, and highly shy. Neal faces bigger challenges being human. Few giants are careless and don't bother checking what lays beneath their feet. Heck, even Finn accidentally almost ate Neal when they first met. "Sam and Diana know to call if the situation arrives." Finn prays no terrible dangerous situation comes.
"No buts,"Finn interrupted. "Recite the rules about given last night." He makes sure Neal knows and understands rules. "Why?" His brother frowned. "Do it." Neal sighed preparing to speak. "No R rated movies, soda or candy pass 8, snarky comment, rude attitude. Brush teeth, two shows per day, eat proper food amounts, call if your needed, and wear clean underwear." Neal proudly stated. "Awesome job! Finn congratulated. "Remember, what's your phones purpose?" Finn bought Neal a flip phone, surly enough Neal acted happy when deep inside he hated Finn's idiotic gift. Kids across town use touch screen and cooler electronics. His brother won't allow him getting a newer phone until turning 14 years old. "Emergency's." Neal said. "Excellent! Finish packing, Sam expects us around 3:00pm." Neal left Finn's room wondering into his own. Macbeth purred rubbing against Neal's leg, tail flipping back and forth showing happiness and joy. People say animals can't understand human feelings but Macbeth shows them wrong. Any time Neal's scared or nervous, Macbeth comforts his owner. "Hi kitty cat. Who's hungry?" Neal giggles petting the cats soft fur. "Love owning a precocious cat. Shockingly, owning you makes life feel normal living as a human teen! Human living at giant houses gets overwhelming sometimes. Sure the room's small, but outside everything's freaking huge: the sofa, chairs, tv, food, and people! Imagine getting nearly eaten alive! Finns mouth stunk and disgusting saliva mixed between vanilla ice and hot fudge, YUCK! I struggle eating ice cream since then." Neal places Macbeth's food bowl down. "What to pack?" Neal asked. "Books duh!" He grabbed four thin books. OH, clothes!" Neal received new sweatpants, sweatshirts and pajamas. "Macbeth, Spider-Man or Mickey Mouse themed pajamas?" Macbeth stared clueless. "Right, Mickey Mouse." He smiled. He hesitated packing the clothes;he adores nerdy stuff, but Sam and his family might see Neal's outfit weird. "Ugh," He tosses the pajamas away. "Bro, we leave soon! Hurry up!" Finn shouted. " 'Hurry up.'" Neal mocks. "What?" His brother yelled. "Nothing!" He quickly replied. Neal grabbed clothes, toothbrushes, deodorant and three more books. Reading is the best time consumer: by time Neal's finishing four books, three days past and Finn's home again. "UGH! Macbeth quit eating my book cabinet." Tiny cat teeth markings covers the cabinets lower sides. "NEAL! WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG?!" Finished packing, Neal dragged two suitcases. "Finn?" He shouted entering their living room. "SMELLY SOCK!" Finn shot behind Neal scooping him inside a unwashed sock. "EW! NOT AGAIN!" Neal heard hysterical laughter when attempting freedom. Smelly Sock: Finn's newest game trapping Neal within his huge unwashed socks,and seeing how long the boys sanity last. "CAN'T BREATHE!" Neal hacked. "Not my problem. Hey guess what? I'll keep you here and return three days later, bye." Finn ties the top into a not; he left Neal alone squirming on the floor. "LET ME OUT! FINN KNIGHT!" Previous events cause Neal's current stress: he's been left stuck in identical situations. Last week Finn trapped his baby brother inside the same sock and kept Neal trapped two hours. "FINN! UGH I HATE YOU!" He growled. Smell continued growing worst; Neal's nose burned inhaling smells matching moldy cheese and sweat. "Changed my mind." Finn laughed pulling out his young friend. "Yuck, try washing clothes!" Neal gagged. "I'll try." Finn smirked. "Got everything prepared bud?" Neal nodded, he sat down on the huge open palm and gently placed inside Finn's shirt pocket. With that, the duo headed out.
"Yes Juno?"Diana Knights attention distracted; writing her second novels seem impossible when three children craving cuddles and their mothers attention nonstop. Her home office grants escaping reality; Juno, Cory, and Noah forget adults require peaceful breaks. "I'm bored mommy!" Juno pouted. "Where's daddy and the boys?" She hummed setting Juno onto her lap. "Playing video games." Dianas eyes rolled, boys and their video games. "Alright Love, shall we find activities?" Juno grinned hugely, he loved spending quietly time with his mom. "Can I help write your novel?!" He asked bouncing energetically. "Mommy's tired writing and would adore help making Cory's bed." She said. "Boring, who enjoys making beds?!" Juno gasped. "Not many people honey, but it's required. You, Cory, and Noah will share a bed next three days while cousin Neal uses Cory's. We need the room perfectly clean when guest visit." She lectured. "Ugh, can't Neal sleep over somewhere else? Humans ruin everything." Diana surprised, Junos often kind heated. No doubt Cory or Noah filled their younger brothers head with rude attitude towards humans. She can't understand why, her two oldest sons act immaturity regarding humans: Noah bullies small classmates, Cory's not gentle enough, and Junos odd curiosity gets him in trouble rarely. "Juno Knight, I ought to spank your behind! Neal's family, doesn't matter if he's human! Did Cory and Noah complain about Neal?" She asked him sternly. "Yeah...Cory mentioned how unfair Neal's allowed sharing our family name."  Juno admitted. "Mental note Diana, lecture Cory and Noah." She mumbled quietly. She grabbed Junos hand, they entered Cory's room. They quickly finished making the bed, Sam and his sons laughing voices brought Diana to the living room. Shirtless Sam sits at the couch where Cory and Noah sit by his side. "SAM KNIGHT!" Sam gets whacked upside the head. "OW!" He screams pausing their violent video games. "DAD!" Cory and Noah scream. "Violence war games?! We agreed the boys can't play these until they turn 16!" Diana wishes Sam would quit allowing the kids getting exposed to inappropriate themes. Two months ago, Sam allowed Juno watching the latest horror movie during night; Juno didn't sleep alone for weeks. "Sorry honey, boys enough games today." He sighs defeated. "And please wear a shirt Sam." His wife demanded. "None clean honey, started washing shirts 10 minutes ago." Sam replies. "Ten minutes Sam?! Neal and Finn arrive shortly! What's our guest gonna think when seeing his cousin completely shirtless and-NO PANTS?!" Diana screeches, Sam stood up showing he's wearing long blue boxers. "What's the big issue?" He asked cluelessly. "Sam Knight, when allowing family spending few days at our house, we must wear clothes. End of story!"She hissed. "My clothes are getting washed! I can't fix my current situation until there dry!"Sam informs. "If your clothes needed washed, you should have done them hours ago! Not eleven minutes before Neal and Finn arrive!" Diana snaps back. Their bickering made them unaware loud knocking struck the front door.
"You always do this Sam!"
"Sorry I'm not ashamed showing my awesome body off!"  
"Mommy and daddy!"
"UGH! Even worst your not understanding my view!"
"What view?!"
"MOMMY AND DADDY!" Juno shouted. "What?" Sam and Diana huffed. "Someone's at the door."
"Sam said he's taking you, Diana, and the kids to dinner tonight! Sounds fun right?" Finn asked walking up Sam and Diana's drive way. "Sure..." Neal shrugged inside Finn's chest pocket. Whole car ride Finn tried getting Neal excited spending three days away; obviously Neal lacks enthusiasm. "Bro, no doubt you'll enjoy the weekend. They've awesome people." Finn knocks on the door three times. "OH HEY GUYS!" Finn and Neal cringe, Sam opens the door and half naked. "Hi Sam?" Finn's thrown off, Diana sneaks behind her husband blushing tremendously. "Sorry Finn and Neal." She apologized. "Pssst Finn, why's Sam half naked?" Neal whispers. "Wish I knew." Finn mumbled back. "Sam, go find some clothes please!" Diana barked. "But..." She gave him the death stare; Sam wondered off grumbling. "FINN!" Cory, Noah, and Juno shouted. "Hey squirts!" The young boys hug their tall cousin. "Wow Cory, your getting taller! Noah, loving the new hair cut, and where's Juno?" Finn pretends not seeing his shorter cousin. "Right here Finn!" Juno tugs Finns hand. "Woah! Sorry dude, hard noticing tiny kids!" Juno giggled getting tossed over Finn's shoulder. "Mommy, tell him I'm getting bigger!" Neals ears sting, young giant voices scream to loudly. "Ow..." He covers both ears. "Juno's grown slightly, hopeful he'll grow big and strong!" Juno gets scooped up in his mothers arms. "Diana, these jeans make my butt itch, and the shirt clings!" Sam reappears fully clothes. "Cry us a river." Diana said. "Where's Neal? He's acting quiet." Sam asked. "Neal's always quiet-OUCH!" Cory insulted, Sam gripped the boys arm. "Here's our special little guy." Finn smiled pinching his brothers shirt collar and suitcases; Sams hands hold  out and receive Neal. "Goodbye Neal, behave good and follow mine and their rules. I love you." Finn kisses and gently presses his index finger against Neal's face. "Bye Finn, love you too." He hugs Finn's finger wishing to never let go. "Sam, can we talk privately for two minutes?" Sam nodded; Diana kindly grabbed Neal and took her sons inside. Sam fully step outdoors, they made sure neither Neal nor anyone else heard their private conversation. "Listen man, I'm struggling pretending about the worries leaving Neal behind. He hates spending few days without me, and Lord knows how his emotions get. You guys are hundred percent babysitting even though he's special?" Neal wasn't aware Finn told Sam and Diana about his PTSD or horrific nightmares weeks ago. "Finn, we are thrilled he's here. Just because he isn't like normal kids doesn't make him  weird." Sam said patting Finn's shoulder. "I know Sam, but because he's not like ordinary kids makes others see him weird. He gets these emotional outburst, and I hate forcing these worries on your house." Finn stressed. "No ones forcing stress! Having three kids, me and Diana know about emotional outburst. Try relaxing and enjoy the couples retreat with Meg." He said. "I'll try, thanks for watching Neal." They exchange a small hug. Finn said last goodbye and left. Sam enters his home where he prepares for a weekend no one will ever forget.

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