Chapter 13: A New Life

Start from the beginning

When Deeks gets to work, he's quickly alerted that there's a case on deck by Eric - and it included a recurring friend- KESSLER.

N: "as of 48 hours ago, LAPD found a gun hidden in a bush outside Arizona prison after reviewing a case of an inmate

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N: "as of 48 hours ago, LAPD found a gun hidden in a bush outside Arizona prison after reviewing a case of an inmate. When we checked the fingerprints from the gun, they confirmed they were David Kesslers."

This time, Eric explains how Kessler never actually ended up getting to county prison- he attacked the officers putting him in the police van, took one of their snipers and killed the rest.

N: "he's also been in hiding for almost two years, hence why we haven't heard from him

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N: "he's also been in hiding for almost two years, hence why we haven't heard from him. But after checking through Kaleidoscope, we found the CCTV from Arizona prison. *pointing at the screen* here you can see the date and time of the day that Kessler was taken to county, it says 7pm."
E: "usually at that time of year, 7pm in Arizona gets pretty dark, which pretty much tells us that this footage - was pre recorded to make it look like Kessler left"
D: "wait hold on a second- so you're tell me that Kessler never actually WENT to COUNTY!? How did nobody find the gun before!?"
N: "correct. And it seems as though it was wrapped up in a camo vine and hidden in the dirt to disguise it"
D: "but- the gunshots?"
E: "the bullets we found in the gun weren't actually loud or fatal- in fact they were just small plastic bullets that trainee police guards use to threaten people. But the gunshots were found on the police officers heads, hence they were all announced dead on scene"

Deeks began to look worried, and ran down to hettys desk.

D: "Hetty? HETTY! You need to get Kensi and Athena to the safe house!"H: "Ah, Mr Deeks, I've just phoned Kensi and told her the situation

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D: "Hetty? HETTY! You need to get Kensi and Athena to the safe house!"
H: "Ah, Mr Deeks, I've just phoned Kensi and told her the situation. She's packing up her things and she's taking Athena with her and bringing her here."
D: "what!? Why not the safe house!?"
H: "well, if Mr Kessler knows where you and Kensi live, he's most likely to know where your safe house is. And in that case, we are going to have to find you a new one under complete confidentiality and prosecute Kessler"
H: "and he will be, slow down!"
D: *quite angry at this point* Slow down!? Are you crazy!? My WIFE AND DAUGHTERS LIVES ARE IN DANGER!"

Just then, Kensi comes rushing in, with Athena in her car seat. She walks over to Hetty and Deeks.
D: "Kens.... *to Athena* heyyy baby"
K: "I heard... this is INSANE! why didn't we know this earlier!!"
D: *shrugging and panicking* "I- Ah- I d- I don't know!"
H: "mrs Blye, mr Deeks, I have a safer safe house you can go to. It's one of mine, and whatever you do- DONT WRECK IT!"
K: "we need ANSWERS HETTY"
H: "and you'll get them!! Now go!! Both of you!! Mr Deeks, I suggest you go to the armoury and grab some Siggs and amo just in case, and take care of your daughter, don't scare her"
D: "on it!"

Deeks runs off to the armoury grabbing some extra amo and extra guns to keep away in the safe house in case anyone goes in when Kensi and Deeks are there. Meanwhile, Sam and Callen meet Hetty and Kensi round their desks.

S: "you good Kens?"K: "could be better

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S: "you good Kens?"
K: "could be better."
C: "oh my gosh, Athena? She's grown up so quick!"
Kensi puts the car seat on her desk and takes Athena out and holds her in her arms.
S: "😂😂😂😂😂😂!!!! SHE HAS DEEKS HAIR!"
C: but she also has your eyes kens, she's adorable"
K: "aww thanks guys. Deeks is already in the spirit of making a mini surf board in the garden for when she grows up, he's so down for the surfer dad thing!"
S: "well, I guess she's gonna be a daddy's girl then!"
K: "yes, BUT I am going to teach her how to do things a man can do - not being sexist - like my dad did, and I'm going to teach her how to use knives and guns. And maybe one day, she could work in these kind of agencies"
C: *clapping* "very well mum, very well. Hey, you're gonna be great parents alright"
K: "yeah. Hopefully. And thanks guys!"

Deeks returns from the armoury with a brief case, him and Kensi begin to look worried. Hetty passed them the keys and tells them the directions and Kensi and Deeks head off with their baby.

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