"I hate him," she mumbled, shaking her head and looking down.

"I hate him, too," Chaeyoung said quietly, lifting Lisa's chin up to meet her eyes. "And that's okay. You should hate him for what he did to you. Don't feel guilty about it."

Wiping her eyes, Lisa nodded softly. It felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Just be admitting that out loud.

"He doesn't deserve to have this much control over you, Lisa," Chaeyoung sighed and combed her fingers through her hair. "The best revenge you can get is to just keep getting better. If you don't let him affect you, then you win."

"He hurt me," Lisa whispered, clinging onto Chaeyoung's shirt.

"I know, babe," Chaeyoung whispered. "But now he's gone. Now you're in charge," she ran her fingers up and down Lisa's back. "Now it's your turn."

"I am happy here," Lisa said after a few moments of silence. "You..." she glanced up at Chaeyoung before looking out over the cliffs. "You lit up my city."

"I love you," Chaeyoung kissed the top of Lisa's head and sighed contently. "I love you enough to fill up all the love that your uncle took away from you. I'll love you until you see that, and I'll continue to love you even after."

"Forever?" Lisa giggled softly, holding up her pinkie. Chaeyoung couldn't help but laugh as she brought their pinkies together, kissing Lisa's hand.


Both girls spent a considerable amount of time just staring out at the city, taking in all the lights and sounds of the night. Chaeyoung glanced down at the girl in her lap just as she started to fall asleep.

"Lili," Chaeyoung laughed, nudging Lisa's shoulder. The Thai girl looked up groggily, blinking a few times in the darkness.

"We still have to open presents," Chaeyoung whispered, nodding in the direction of the car. That sure woke her up.

"Presents?" Lisa sat up quickly, tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, presents," Chaeyoung laughed, standing up and helping Lisa to her feet. She brushed the grass off of her jeans before nudging the girl back in the direction of the car.

"For me?" Lisa asked, sliding into the passenger seat. Chaeyoung couldn't help but laugh.

"Whose birthday is it?" Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow.

"Mine..." Lisa giggled, looking away. Chaeyoung reached over and squeezed her hand.

"Then yes, goofball, they're for you," Chaeyoung laughed as she turned the car around and headed in the direction of their apartment. "Except you can't get my present today."

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows and looked over at the girl in the driver's seat. "Why not?"

"Cause we have to go get it together," Chaeyoung smirked. Lisa let out a long breath as she tried to figure out what Chaeyoung could possibly be referring to.

"Don't think too hard," Chaeyoung giggled. "You'll find out soon enough."

Chaeyoung practically had to sprint to catch up with Lisa once they got back to the apartment. When they unlocked the apartment door, they were greeted by their three other roommates watching something on the couch.

'Presents' Chaeyoung mouthed from behind Lisa. The girls quickly shut off the TV.

"Feeling better?" Jisoo asked, raising an eyebrow at Lisa. The younger girl nodded and padded over to the couch, sitting down and crossing her legs underneath her.

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