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I guess I was asking for what came next when I wrote that last sentence.

Damon appeared in my room with his usual gust of wind. He adjusted the collar on his leather jacket. "Oh, hello, Gilbert."

"Don't act like you're surprised, you're the one who burst into my room uninvited."

"I'm a vampire. Being invited once is being invited always, and forever."

"I never invited you in, actually. Elena did." I noted.

"Tomato, tomahto, potato, potahto." He stretched his arms above his head and leaned to the side. "Same difference."

I sighed and shut my eyes. "What do you want, Damon?"

"You," he stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Shut up, be real."

He dropped onto my bed. "Let's go somewhere. Do something."

"Do you not have any friends, Damon?"

He raised his eyebrow. "No comment. But seriously Gilbert, you're fun. Especially with a couple drinks in you and loud music playing."

"I'm underage." I reminded him the thousandth time even though I didn't actually care- I never really minded drinking with Damon.

"Then let's go somewhere where you're not, if you care so damn much."

I wasn't expecting that. "What do you mean?"

"I mean Austria. Switzerland. France. Italy. Greece. Brazil. Ooh, Brazil. Let's go to Brazil."

"Damon! We can't go to Brazil."

"What? Why not?"

"It's... it's just insane. I have school."

"School, schmool. Brazil has good alcohol. And sexy people. Really, really sexy people."

"As tempting as that is..." I said sarcastically. "We can't."

"Is that... a challenge?" His eyebrow raised again, a mischievous look crossing his face.

"What? No!"

"Challenge accepted." He sprang up again, grabbing my arm and lifting me from my chair. "Destination, Brazil. I'll get us a jet. We'll be there in 9 hours, give or take."

He continued rambling. "Damon. Damon." I tried to pry him off me, but his mind was set. And there's no changing Damon's mind.

Then again, I wasn't totally opposed. I've never left the States, besides that one time we visited family in France. It would definitely be an experience.

Then he turned around and gave me puppy dog eyes. That look on Damon is something I don't know if I've ever seen before. My mouth fell open in surprise, I was really taken aback. So much so that I agreed. "Fine. I'm in."

His smirk returned and I cringed internally thinking, I just made a huge mistake, didn't I? So much could go wrong and Elena and Aunt Jenna would be absolutely pisse-

Seriously? You're not done writing yet? I really don't get the fascination. And I promise you Gilbert, nothing bad is going to happen. We'll make something up to calm Elena and all will be well. Chill ou-

Sorry about that. Apparently Damon hasn't gotten over stealing my personal business away.

It's not personal business anymore of you're writing it all down! Do you know how many times I've read Stefan's journal?

No, and I don't care. Go away, I'll play Scrabble with you in a moment, grandma.

He rolled his eyes at me and finally left. Where was I? I guess we're at the part where Damon somehow knows a guy who can fly  a private jet and that is where I am right now. As awesome as it was at first- we didn't pack or anything so I hope Damon has a goddamn plan.

And also the chair I'm sitting in is so insanely comfortable. I just had to mention it.

You're stalling. Afraid I'm going to kick your ass?

Oh, shut up. It's on, grandma.

Jeremy Gilbert 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔞𝔩𝔰𝔬 𝔇𝔞𝔪𝔬𝔫 𝔖𝔞𝔩𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔢


[A/N] Wow okay so I totally forgot to mention this last chapter but I published a new TVD fic the other day. It doesn't really have Jeremy but it does have Damon and if that's not enough convincing, Elena's dead in it (for my Elena haters, you know who you are 😂)

Anyway yeah so it's basically just that Elena died and Damon writes her letters and also meets someone else :) If you're interested, I called it "Dear Elena" and it's on my profile, obviously :)

Hope you enjoyed! Much love,

chantivera 🖤

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