Chapter 7: Footsteps

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George's POV-


I'm currently playing games in a VC with one of my friends Zak, online widely known as Skeppy.

We've been playing for an hour or so, just talking and playing Minecraft, mainly talking.

Well...up to when I mentioned my job and what I do, obviously without the whole "animatronics coming to life and trying to murder me" thing or whatever.

"Yeah that's what my current job is" I say.

"How long have you been doing it for?" He asks curiously.

"Eh- just about like a few days" I say back, answering his question.

"Oh, how long are you planning on doing it? by how you described it it doesn't seem like the best job" He exclaims.

I breathe in for a moment, leaving the silence to fend for itself.

I try to think of how to respond to that question because I can't just say "oh well I dont know not too long, I'd say maybe 3 days...if I survive that is" like what the hell that sounds so...blunt and unstraightforward.

I clear my throat a bit before I say what I'm about to say.

"Well I was thinking like...3 days or something" I just say.

"Oh that's pretty really don't like this job do you?" He asks.

"No.." I say back plainly.

You have no idea..

"Why do you hate it so much?" He asks.

I perk up at the question being am I even supposed to respond to that?

"Oh- I just...I barely make anything and I'm staying overnight at that place too, it's just kind of not fair I guess in a way" I stutter out, trying to find the right words.

No...I'm getting paid barely and even have my life out on the line...but who am I kidding I can't say that, he'll call the cops on that place if I told him everything...

"Oh well that makes sense" He says understandingly.

I suddenly feel like something is behind me, but before I could even turn around to check I feel something brush against my neck.

My breath hitches and I flinch, almost dropping my headset.

But I turn around and there's nothing there, I close my eyes and breathe for a moment.

I didn't even hear Skeppy until I heard him yell my name.

"GEORGE" I hear him yell.

"I- wha- huh?-" I say puzzled.

"Are you okay?? you sounded scared and when I asked and called you're name you didn't respond.." He said calming down a bit.

"No no I'm fine sorry, just something startled me that's all" I say humming slightly.

"Okay...well who scared you? your roommate? if so why didn't you tell me you had a roommate?" He asks and I sit confused.

"What? No one scared me..?" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh...then what were those steps?" He asks.

"What?" I say curiously.

"The footsteps.?" He said confused.

"Since when.? I didn't hear any?" I say bewildered.

"Oh, forget it then, I must've heard things" He says and brushes it off.

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