part 3 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

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(back story!) After the talk they finished school and it was summer and Midiori trained her quirk a little and with that she did grow. ^she looks like this but with hair to her shoulders^

"Crap crap poopie... Poopie?! ugh never mind i overslept and now i'm late" Midiori said putting on her bra and sighed "Mom!! i need new bras and underwear? can we go shopping later?" she yelled and she heard her mom yelled back "Yeah sure after school though!" Midiori sighed and smiled to herself when she finally got it hooked on and so she tried to find her uniform but she only found the shirt and tie and after 2 minutes she found the skirt and when her mom noticed how long she was taking she came into the room and sighed "you really need to clean your room it's full of All Might stuff." Inko said while crossing her arms.

"AH MOM!!" Midiori said while covering her chest and her mom rolled her eyes and walked in and saw Midiori struggling to put on her uniform "mom i think this is to tight- " before she knew it, the uniform was on but it was really tight and the skirt was short and Inko laughed "MOM THIS IS NOT FUNNY!" Midiori said while crossing her arms and sat down.

"Hunny it's not really that bad come on your late just bring pants in your backpack and go!" Inko said while pushing Midiori out the door and helping her put on her shoes "Okay okay bye mom!" she said while kissing her cheek and running out the door.

"Damn it im 2 minutes late and the school is 7 minutes away" Midiori sighed and then just started to run there she ran for 5 minutes then stop to catch her breath and then decided to walk the rest there and when she got to the front she remembered where to go cause she had to be here two days ago to visit around the campus so she ran all the way to class 1A and when she got to the front door and stopped to catch her breath and fix her hair and checked if she was smelly and when everything was good she walked in.

Everyone was sitting down but the teacher wasn't here but then i noticed everyone started to talk to eachother and some got up and i saw someone get up skip to me, the person was a girl with short brown hair and pink cheeks and to be honest she was beautiful and made me blush a little "Heyy there i wanna get to know everyone so i'm Ochako Uraraka!" she said sticking out her hand and i paused for a second and then i felt her touch my hand and then i came back to reality and panicked so i leaned forward bowing my head "OMG IM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" i kinda yelled nervously but then i saw her waving her hands "OH NO NO ITS FINE-" then she stopped and the gasped i felt a jacket wrap around my waist and i flinched and sat up quickly and i turned around to see a tall red haired boy with sharp and i noticed he was blushing "um heh how can i say this um-" he got pushed away and this girl with pink haired grabbed my face and whispered in my ear "sorry girl your ladywear was showing so Kirishima put his jacket around your waist" She pulled away and i was frozen for a second taking in what she said and i gasped and covered my face in embarrassment and then Uraraka and The pink haired started to laugh and patting my back "It wasn't so bad your skirt is really short but it looks good!" Uraraka and Mina said and i pulled down my skirt down a little "By the way i'm Mina, Mina Ashido!" she said tucking my hair behind my ear "Oh yeah i forgot to introduce myself" i said while fixing the jacket on my waist "I'm Midiori Midoriya! Nice to meet y'all" i said putting my hand behind my head looking embarrassed "Anyway where's our teacher?" i asked and they pointed to a yellow sack on the floor and i gasped.

That's what we did to but Mr.Aizawa said since it's the first day of school we have the morning off but later we have to introduce our quirks outside" Uraraka said, I sighed and looked around it looked like everyone has a seat but there was one empty i looked at the person sitting behind the empty seat and the person had purple... balls?

"Oh ya him don't get to close to him he's a pervert and weird, he tried to look under my skirt and i'm pretty sure he saw your underwear" Mina said putting her arm on my shoulder and sighing, I groaned when i heard he was a pervert and then i glanced at who was in front of me and then my eyes widened "Kacchan?" i whispered and Mina picked up her head "Oh him yeah Kirishima tried to talk to him but he ignored him,he ignored everyone i don't think he's a people person but it is the first day." I nodded at her and inhaled and then exhaled and tapped on her shoulder letting her know that imma go and then i walked toward my seat and got the courage to talk to him.

I tapped on his shoes and i heard him groan but he didn't look at me and then i looked around then back at him, his head was laying down so i leaned into his ear and whispered "helloooo is kacchan there??" and he flinched picked up his head quickly and we bumped heads "owww what was that for??" i said rubbing my forehead and he was rubbing the back of his head "Midiori what the heck-"

He paused as he scanned Midiori and started to cover his face "A "hi deku" would be nice ya know" Midiori said while putting her hands on her hips and then she noticed that he was blushing and she looked down then back at him confused until she got it "REALLY-    erm really?! back then you were making fun of me for being flat chested and now your blushing at my body wowwww" i said while covering my chest and blushing a little and i flicked his forehead and then i heard two people come behind me and i saw a person with glasses and blue hair "Todoroki please i just wanted to go over the rules with the new-" i turned around fully and i saw this person staring at me and i noticed there was a blush and i felt someone grab my hand.

"Stop staring will ya four eyes?!"

(this chapter is going  to long so i'll continue next chapter!"

The Promise|fem izuku x Katsuki Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя