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In a world where 80% of the worlds population are born with super powers known as quirks
And most go on to become heros
To save people and many other reasons And others go on to beacons villains and use their power for destruction. However the other 20% of the population are born without quirks and go on to live regular lives. They are know as the quirkless.

Now the story begins

A set of green and black haired twins who were around the age of 4 sat inside the doctors office waiting for the doctor to tell them what there quirks were.

Their names were Izuku and Izumi yagi and they were children of two pro heros.

Doctor: ms.yagi I'm afraid I have some good and bad news to tell you

Inko: well can I have the bad news first then then the good news

Doctor: well I'm afraid that little Izuku will not be developing a quirk due to the extra join in his toe. That helps us differentiates between a person going on to develop a quirk or not. Most people who have this go on to not developing a quirk. While the the others who don't go on to getting one.

Inko was saddened by this and Izuku was crushed by this.

Doctor: however Izumi on the other hand will develop a very powerful quirk.

Inko then brightens up at the fact Izumi will atleast get a quirk and a powerful one at that.

Doctor: it turns out that she will get a powerful version of your quirk. She will be able to lift 25x times her body weight and can also make people levitate with her mind. However the drawback of her quick is if she over uses it too much or Carries more then anything 25x her body weight she will get a painful headache.

Izumi: yay I can be come a powerful hero with that quirk I'm gonna be the number one hero.

Inko: yes you can Izumi just wait when you tell daddy about this he's going to be so happy!

Izuku was sitting quietly while a smile plastered across his face. But inside he was hurting.

Inko: thank you doctor we'll be going now come on Izumi we have to tell your dad about this.

Inko and Izumi got up and left and Izuku was slowly following them until the doctor stopped him.

Doctor: Izuku before you go I have to tell you about your quirk.

Izuku is confused by what the doctor had just said

Izuku: huh? But you just said that I was quirkless so what do you mean my quirk?

Doctor: I lied and the reason for that is because your quirk is to powerful for you to handle at the moment. Your quirk is called OMNI DRAGON GOD. It allows you to turn into a dragon or change parts of your body into a dragon and have a wide range of abilities like elemental control and enhance senses teleportation and many others. The drawback of your quirk is if you transform while being in a having a negative emotion like being angry or jealousy you will tend to lose all sense of reason and try to attack everyone close to you.

Izuku became speechless as shock consumed him.

Doctor: the reason why I'm telling you is because before you can use this you need to train your body so your power won't destroy you. You see your power is too immense for your current body to sustain. That why you have to train your body to be able to hold that much powers.

Izuku: doctor how strong of a hero would I make if I were able to use this power?

Doctor: hmm I'll say you'll be 1000x stronger then all might with only a fraction of your power.

This shocks Izuku

Doctor: That's why you must not tell anyone about your quirk if they knew villains from all around the world would be after your power.

This scares the green headed boy

Izuku: I understand doctor and thank you for telling me I'll be going now

Izuku full sprinted out the door to catch up to his mother and sister

Later when they get home

Toshi: hey guys how was the trip to the doctors?

Inko: well Izuku is quirkless but Izumi has a more powerful version of my quirk!

Toshi: well that's too bad but atleast Izumi has a quirk and can be a powerful hero in the future!

Izumi: daddy I'm gonna be the future number one hero and become the next symbol of peace just like all might!

Toshi picks Izumi up and starts to spin her around while Inko just giggles. While Izuku was crying and runs to his room.

Izuku(crying): they forgot all about me just because I'm quirkless. No they didn't forget their just happy that Izumi has a quirk maybe things will be different tomorrow.

Izuku got on his bed and slowly
Closed his eyes and fell asleep thinking about his future as a hero.

This is where it ends for now till next time.

IZUKU OMNI DRAGON GOD (izuku x harem)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن