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I found solace in the quiet of my home that night, escaping into the pages of a romance novel that whisked me away to a world of passion and adventure. Unbeknownst to me, danger lurked just beyond my door, waiting to shatter the tranquility of my evening.

Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered as the sound of shattered glass pierced the air. Startled, I dropped the book and rushed to investigate, only to be met with a group of masked intruders who had brazenly broken into my house.

My heart pounded in my chest as I listened to their callous conversation, their voices filled with sadistic amusement. They reveled in discussing the horrors they planned to inflict upon me, their words echoing in my ears like a sinister symphony.

One of them raised a weapon, aiming it at me with a chilling grin. Instinct kicked in, and I fought back with every ounce of strength I could muster. A desperate struggle ensued, the air thick with adrenaline and the clash of bodies.

But as I tried to fend off my assailants, a sharp pain erupted in my side. I felt the searing sting of a bullet tearing through my flesh, and the world around me blurred into a haze of pain and darkness.

Meanwhile, Eli happened to be passing by and noticed the commotion. Without hesitation, he burst into the house, his protective instincts overriding any concern for his own safety. His eyes widened in horror as he found me lying on the floor, blood staining the carpet beneath me.

Eli swiftly pulled out his phone, dialing for emergency assistance. As he waited for the ambulance to arrive, Jax, Opie, and Happy, riding together down the street, caught sight of the flashing lights and commotion outside my house. The trio veered off their path, their concern for me overriding any other plans they may have had.

Happy, his face etched with worry and anger, broke away from the group and ran towards the chaos surrounding my house. His heart raced as he approached, the fear of losing me gnawing at his very core. Meanwhile, Jax and Opie spoke with Eli, their expressions a mix of urgency and determination.

"What happened, Eli? Is she going to be okay?" Jax asked, his voice laced with a raw edge of worry.

Eli shook his head, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and disbelief. "I found her lying on the floor. She's been shot. The ambulance is on its way."

Opie's jaw tightened, his fists clenching at his sides. "Who would do something like this?"

Eli's gaze hardened. "I don't know, but we need to find out. Whoever did this is gonna pay."

As the ambulance arrived, the paramedics quickly assessed my condition and rushed me onto a stretcher. The pain throbbed relentlessly, my vision fading in and out. Amidst the chaos and the flurry of activity, I caught a glimpse of Happy's face, etched with a mixture of fear and determination, as he rushed to my side to ensure I was okay.

Jax and Opie remained with Eli, their minds racing with a whirlwind of emotions and questions. The sight of their concern and determination offered a glimmer of hope, a reminder that I was not alone in this fight.

As the ambulance doors closed and I was whisked away towards the uncertain road to recovery, the three men exchanged a solemn look. Bound by their loyalty and brotherhood, they knew that they would stop at nothing to find those responsible for the violent attack on someone they held dear.


I woke up groggily in the hospital room, the sterile scent of antiseptic invading my senses. My body ached from the surgery, but a surge of relief washed over me as I realized I had made it through. However, that relief was quickly overshadowed by a sense of dread as I noticed Dr. Tara Knowles standing by my bedside.

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