The two of us ordered and sat down at a table. "So tell me more about yourself, Allison Lindsay." he said with a soft smile. I took a bite of my cookies & cream ice cream and said, "Okay Fankhauser. So first embarrasing thing my initials are ASL. Ugh I will never forgive my mother for making my initials ASL. Although it's not as bad as this kid from my high school. His initials are ASS."

Ben laughed and said, "Oh my gosh you're kidding right?" I nodded my head no and said "His name was Angel Steven Sanchez. I wonder how he is now." while eating some more of my ice cream.

"So what's your middle name, Lindsay?" he asked with a smirk. I laughed and said, "It's Serena. My full name is Allison Serena Lindsay almost a college graduate majoring in journalism, minoring in dance."

He smiled and said, "My full name is Benjamin Charles Fankhauser. I hate my middle name though." while eating some of his vanilla ice cream. "Oh c'mon that's not that bad Charles." I snickered. "Oh c'mon Serena I didn't make fun of your middle name until now!" he said with a smile. I smiled and said, "Well I think your middle name is cute, and I also think you're very cute." with a very big smile on my face. He blushed and said "You're also very cute." while taking my hand.

"So anymore things you want to know about me Fankhauser?" I said with a smile. "Everything Lindsay." he responded.

I smiled, "Well, I started dancing when I was ten, during that time I watched the show 'Gilmore Girls' with Kara which is probably why I am a caffiene addict and is the reason I chose journalism as my major. Um, I also have really bad anxiety but I'm on medication so I'm fine, I draw sometimes, and I read a lot- also because of my 'Gilmore Girls' addiction- oh sorry was that too much? Sorry." I said, looking down at my phone.

He held my hand and smiled,"It's fine- it was wasn't too much." he said. "I have anxiety too, which I usually don't tell people about- it's not too bad to the point where I need medication but still." he said nervously. I softly smiled and said, "So anything you wanna tell so I don't feel like a complete idiot?"

"Well I was on the tour of 'Spring awakening' before I auditioned for 'Newsies' which you probably knew, I also have a caffiene addiction, I cook sometimes, I have a brother, I watch drag races sometimes, and I like you Ally..."

"...I like you too Fankhauser."

-end of flashback-

"We got into a lot of details that night." he said. "Yeah we did. I can't believe that was six years ago." I said, holding his hand. He rubbed my hand with his thumb, "Now we're married and have an adorable little girl." he said. "I'm just gonna say that our first year of marrige kinda sucked- besides the filming newsies part and the being with each other part." I said.

"I agree." he said. Our first year of marrige our kid died and Ben got in a car crash. Fun right? "At least we're happy now." I said.

He smiled and said, "Very happy- ohp she spit up." while looking at Care. (Care is their nickname for Carolynn) I groaned, "At least she's wearing a bib." I said.

He chuckled, "We make incredibly cute kids." he said as we pulled into Corey and Megs driveway. "Yes we do, babe." I said, getting out of the car.

I got Carolynns car seat and took her bib off since it was dirty. "Hey princess!" I said while picking her up. Ben got her diaper bag and we walked to their front door.

Ben knocked as I was holding Care. "You ready to see Elliot Care-bear?" (what it's cute) I said to Carolynn. She babbled. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." I said, bouncing her in my arms. "They're gonna be best friends when they're older." Ben said as Carolynn wrapped her hand around his finger. "Who knows babe? What if they start dating when they're older?" I said. "I bet you twenty bucks they'll just be friends." he said. I scoffed, "Fine, but can I record what you just said so I have proof?" "Yes." he said. I pulled out my phone. "Now say it again!" I said. He said it and then Meg opened the door with Elliot on her hip. "Hey you guys!" she said, letting us in.

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