When their food got to the table, Chaeyoung had to grab Lisa to stop her from burning her hand on the hot pan. Laughing, the blonde girl cut them both a slice and pizza and sat back down.

"Happy birthday to me," Lisa mumbled with a mouthful of food. Giggling, Chaeyoung kissed Lisa's cheek and nodded.

"Happy birthday to you, goofball," she crinkled her nose and took a bite of her own pizza.

"How does it feel to be 19?" Maia spoke up from the other side of the booth. Lisa furrowed her eyebrows, thinking about this for a moment.

"I feel... the same," Lisa shrugged. "Just happy."

"I think that's pretty good, then," Chaeyoung nudged the younger girl. Lisa smiled and leaned against Chaeyoung, taking a sip of her water and sighing contently. She was surrounded by her favorite people, and she loved the feeling.

"I missed this feeling," Lisa confessed quietly. Everyone had already moved on to different conversations, and Chaeyoung was the only one that heard Lisa's hushed words.

"Missed what?" Chaeyoung whispered, reaching out to smooth out Lisa's hair. The Thai girl smiled up at Chaeyoung, realizing she had made an effort to listen to her.

"This. Love," Lisa motioned around the table. "I like these people, and I think they like me. It feels good."

Chaeyoung couldn't help the small smile on her lips. She was glad Lisa was slowly getting to know that feeling. The girl deserved it more than anyone in the world.

"I like the feeling too," Chaeyoung whispered, poking Lisa's side and making the girl giggle.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly, at least, until the end. Just as the waiter was taking away their empty plates, a different plate was placed down in front of them. Lisa furrowed her eyebrows and looked up.

"We heard it was someone's birthday," the waitress smiled, pulling a lighter out of her pocket and lighting the candle on top of the small slice of cake. Everyone pointed to Lisa, and the cake was slid in front of her. Chaeyoung grabbed the younger girl's hand to let her know it was okay.

"Haaaappy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you,"

Lisa didn't see who started singing, because the minute the song started her entire body froze. This was too familiar. Her grip on Chaeyoung's arm tightened just as she was swept away.

[[TRIGGER WARNING - VIOLENCE/ABUSE - Skip to the end of the italics if you'd rather not read.]]

"Happy birthday to you..."

Lisa smiled softly and looked up from the makeshift cake in front of her. When Skylar had found out Lisa would be spending her birthday home alone, the blonde girl had driven over immediately. All they had available was a leftover slice of apple pie, but the two girls had stuck a candle in it and made it work.

"You really don't have to sing," Lisa laughed, crossing her legs on the couch and looking over at her friend who sat next to her. Skylar just shrugged and continued singing.

"Happy Birthday to you..."

Lisa froze when she heard the garage door opening. Her uncle wasn't supposed to be home for another few hours. Her heart immediately dropped in her chest and she looked over at Skylar with a panicked look on her face.

"Happy Birthday, dear Lis-,"

Lisa leaped across the couch, cupping her hand over Skylar's mouth and shaking her head. Just as Skylar opened her mouth to question the girl, they both heard the echo of the door closing.

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