Y5 .。:+*✧ Living With A Marauder

Start from the beginning

"Alright," Tonks grinned in satisfaction. "Tell me, Y/N. During your third year, were you slightly more... moody, or- grumpier than usual?"

"Huh... yes, actually." Y/N nodded slowly, remembering her annoying attitude from over a year ago. "I was more snappy than usual and got upset really easily."

"I can confirm that." Rolf added. Y/N threw him a fierce glare.

"Rolf, don't push it," Tonks said sternly, before turning back to Y/N eagerly. "Have you ever felt like you could control your power? Like using it, without having to be mad or angry?"

"Uh... yes, once." Y/N said nervously, thinking of the second task, where she distracted Harry's dragon by exploding a rock. "I did it to help someone, though. I didn't mean to do it- but I don't regret it either."

"Whatever reason, I think I know what you are," Tonks smiled, crossing her arms. "Being born with an unusual ability, experiencing mood swings when the ability starts to strengthen- you, Y/N, are like me-"

"She's a meta-mac-n'-cheese?" Rolf exclaimed dramatically. Remus snorted, but immediately fell silent when Tonks eyed him sourly.

"She's a Gifted witch." Tonks corrected. "I'm a gifted metamorphmagus, specifically, meaning I have the ability to change my appearance- there are quite a few witches and wizards like me around the world. There's a specific name for each kind of power you have."

"Then what kind am I?" Y/N asked, getting more invested in the topic.

"I dunno, exactly," Tonks shrugged. "There are many, but I can easily check through the records of the Gifted witches and wizards at the Department of Records... the ability to turn things into dust... sounds quite familiar, honestly."

"So there are more people like me, around the world?" Y/N asked with raised eyebrows.

"Very possibly," Tonks nodded, giving Y/N a warm smile.

"And I could learn to control my power?" Y/N asked hopefully, never really thinking of it that way.

"Oh, of course." Tonks beamed. "I learned how to control mine when I was thirteen- but I still change my appearance without realizing it, sometimes."

"Dang, I'm so lame." Rolf said bitterly, looking between the two Gifted witches in envy. "Can I become Gifted?"

"No, silly," Tonks chuckled, messing up Rolf's brown hair. " that's the point of being Gifted- you're born with it."

"Blah, blah, quirky, quirky," Rolf rolled his eyes. "I got seven Outstandings for my O.W.L.s, how's that?"

"Quite impressive actually." Tonks said, raising her eyebrows in slight surprise. "Good job, Rolfard."

"My name is not Rolfard." Rolf growled, as Tonks patted his head.

"Y/N calls you Rolfard." Tonks shrugged, side-eying Y/N.

"She also happens to call Harry Harold," Rolf muttered in annoyance. "and Ron Ronald, and Hermione Hermy- so... don't believe everything this little creature tells you. She can't joke."

"Well, at least I can bake, unlike someone around here." Y/N said stiffly.

"You? Bake?" Rolf scoffed, laughing slightly. "Who dropped the cup of salt into the cookie badder yesterday-?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 (Harry Potter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now