"Ahem alright then," he said confusedly before floating one to Fred and one to Bill.

Fred frowned at me.

"Later," I whispered grinning.

"Right you lot! Go get showered, dressed and put your presents away," Molly ordered.

We all scrambled up the stairs.

In my hands I clutched a purple beanie from George, Broomstick servicing kit from Ginny and a gorgeous necklace with a small 'F' on it from Fred.

The necklace was silver and delicate, the F made of some purple crystal that I suspected to be amethyst.

As I was about to head into the twins room Fleur pulled me aside.

"I couldn't give you zis in front of everyone," she giggled, passing me a small pink box, "but my Veela powers tell me zat you vill enjoy zis vairy much," she winked before breezing off to Bill's room.

I walked into the twins room where they were chucking a fizzing catch-ball back and forth, Angelina sat huffed on the floor.

After placing my other presents in my trunk, I peeked into the pink box before gasping then laughing.

It was a tiny black vibrator, about the size of a large tampon, and a tiny little remote control.

I knew that Fred and I's secret shenanigans hadn't slipped Fleur's notice.

"Hey pipsqueak, can I open your present now?" Fred said, as I wandered over and sat on his bed.

"Uh George probably doesn't want to see it so wait until he leaves," I mumbled, blushing slightly.

"I wanna know what it is now," George whined,
"It's Freddie's present not yours," I chastised jokingly.

"Right I'm gonna shower, Angie you can use the bathroom on this floor, I'm using the third floor one," George said before practically dragging Angelina out.

"So what is it that I couldn't open it in front of everyone?" Fred laughed,

"Well technically it's a present for you, but it's also a present for me," I smirked as he started unwrapping it.

His jaw dropped as he lifted the delicate items up, it looked so dainty in his large hands.

"Holy shit..."

I laughed before grabbing the pink box,
"And look what Fleur got us..."

His eyes went wide before chuckling at the contents.

"Looks like we're going to have some fun," he smirked, before grabbing me and chucking me onto the bed.

I squealed, before grunting as he flopped on top of me, his muscle mass made him heavy.

He brought his lips to mine, parting them with his tongue. His hands rested lightly on my waist where my top had ridden up, the iron ring George had got him that morning cold against my flesh.

My hands tangled in his ginger hair and he kissed me gently, tugging lightly at my bottom lip.

"Oi not now," I whispered, he pouted and rolled off of me.

With Angelina and George gone and most likely back soon, we hurriedly got dressed.

Fred watched me as I pulled on the lingerie clipping a pair of my black sheer stockings onto the suspended belt, his brown eyes darkening with lust. I put the Christmas jumper back on and as I was about to put my jeans on Fred stopped me.

Much more than dragon fireworks (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now