All I ask (MinJoon)(Hybrid)(NSFW)

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Namjoon stepped back from Jimin, he never had the younger yell at him, and while he were physically bigger than Jimin, he wasn't sure he could do anything if Jimin decided to take a swing at him, "Jimin please calm down."

"NO I DON'T WANT TO!" He took a step towards Namjoon, and while he had no plan to hurt the man the way that Namjoon stepped a step more back and tried to make himself appear smaller with a frightened facial expression in his face told Jimin everything he needed to know.

"Fuck Joonie, I'm not going to hurt you." it was like Jimin had gotten a bucket of water straight in his face with that, and he felt himself being disturbingly sober "please I would never try to hurt you," but as he reached out for Namjoon the man flinched away from him.

"You would if you knew the truth."

"Joonie please you have to believe me... I would do anything for you, I would never hurt you... You just have to believe in me that's all I ask," Jimin this time didn't try to get closer to Namjoon, he just looked saddened at the older man.

Namjoon almost lied, but couldn't anymore he had lied all his life... He felt like he was nothing but a lie, he knew that showing Jimin the truth would risk him being put in a lab, but he needed somebody to understand! It took so more out of him to lie, "Jimin close your eyes, I promise I'm not running away."

At first Jimin didn't actually trust the rapper, but when he saw the saddened glimet in his eyes he just nodded and closed his eyes, 2 minutes later he heard Namjoon's soft voice asking him to open them again. What Jimin saw made him question just how drunk he were, ontop of Namjoon's head were a pair of what looked to be oversized fox ears "You are hybrid." Jimin's voice were hesitant which made Namjoon regret telling him almost instantly.

"Yes." He looked down the big ears almost lying themselves down on his head, like they were responding to his emotions "Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Are you registered?"

Now that was the wrong thing to say, specially as he saw Namjoon almost violently flinching away from him "No, please don't tell them about me! They are going to make away! They will take my family away."

"I would never do that to you, I would never do anything to hurt you" His voice were hushed and he walked towards Namjoon with open palms towards him like he was approaching an wild animal, "I promise you your secret is safe with me, that is why you didn't want us to be together, you were scared of this?"

Namjoon nodded and lightly sniffed, like he was about to cry, which it kinda felt like he was. He had been keeping this secret since he were just a little kid, "it takes a lot of focus to to hide them, you are bad for my focus."

"Aww, you have a hard time focusing around me?" Jimin teased, coursing Namjoon to blushed and looked away.

"It's not like that!"

"Does that mean you will give me a chance now?"

Namjoon looked a little suprised at him "I just showed you that I am hybrid, you have no other question than if I want to give you a chance to fuck?"

"Date, I want to date you" Jimin correct, and this time he managed to grab Namjoon hand lightly pulling the older closer to him in a hug "I have questions of course I do, but I accept you as your are. I love you as you are, I understand that showing me this is hard for you, and I will wait until you are more ready to tell me the rest."

"Really? You still want to date me, even if I'm a fucked up half animal half human." Namjoon buired his head in Jimin's fluffy hair, this went so much better than expected.

Jimin hugged the taller as tightly as he could, he didn't expect to ever be able to hold Namjoon like this, this was amazing "We both know hybrids aren't that, but I would date you if you were half rock and you know that, you are still you."

The Bottom Namjoon Collection!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt