(Y/N):"Apparently yes, I don't know who this guy is.."

Emma:"That guy is Zelaz Tres. Veluor, he is a heir to the Tres Family and a royal too.He is also the son of Michael Tres. Veluor."

(Y/N):'Michael Tres. Veluor..one of our country's ambassador..and a friend of mine..'

Emma:*becomes irritated* "During his stay here, he has become a hotshot and playboy so far.He is strong somehow.."

I chuckled..

(Y/N):"Sounds like he is a boring prince to me.."

Emma:"You seem strong enough, why not go and test him out?"

(Y/N):"Very well.."

Emma:"Wait! I was only-"

With that, I walked towards the hotshot..

Third Person P.O.V

(Y/N) walked up to Zelaz, with his hands in his pockets.Zelaz then took notice of him, turning his attention towards (Y/N)..

Zelaz:"Who are you, may I ask?"

(Y/N):"(Y/N) (L/N), the Silent Black.I'm a friend of your father, Michael Tres. Veluor."

Zelaz:"Ah, so you are the person Pops told me about.You look very menacing from the inside."

(Y/N):"Though it wasn't my attempt to become menacing, you've been a hotshot and a playboy to the girls around you all the time."


Female Student 1:"Really? Are you playing on us?"

Female Student 2:"There is no way, right?"

Zelaz:"Yeah! There is no way I'm playing with you girls.."

Emma couldn't watch what she has done, she literally had (Y/N) come up to Zelaz and let him speak up his sins.The other Semi-Minors were watching as well, shocked by his sudden approach against the ambassador's son..

(Y/N):"Though I must say, I heard that you are a great fighter around here.May I take a chance to fight you, Lord Zelaz.."

Zelaz laughed, as he wield a wide smirk on his face while caressing a woman's hair of a girl.

Zelaz:"Too bad, maybe next time during our fighting session then.Maybe I will accept it."

He was about to leave, as (Y/N) grinned.

(Y/N):"Heh, you won't even dare challenge me? It means that you have shown no proof to how strong you are.If your father is here to see this, he would be terribly sad and heart-broken to see a child not becoming stronger for power..only coming to see the reality that his son really cares about his fame and wealth, and going out with his girls."

Zelaz was ticked off by his words, as the Semi-Minors and Upper Minors are all shocked and speechless by his counter-argument.Emma, however was prepared for this, as she knew what was going to happen anyway.She has seen (Y/N) act like this before, him becoming arrogant, rude, selfish and a bit of a bad-tempered man he is.

Zelaz:"You..son of a-"

(Y/N):"So what is it going to be? Would you care for a fight, or just run away like cowards used to? Either way, you'll never beat me.."

Zelaz, became even more pissed by his boasting.

Zelaz:"Fine!! If that is what you want, then it's a deal! We will fight!"

(Y/N):*calls a teacher* Excuse me, but can we have a match with each other? It would be a great experience for the Semi-Minors to learn something."

Cheaters Never Become Great: Cheater x Male Reader x Loving! Roommate जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें