Chapter 3: The Start of FireBolt Y/N

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I have been flying for a few days now without stopping. I always need to remain above the clouds incase I start to decline, that way I can fall for a bit and get some energy back before having to fly again.

"When will I reach the next island..?" I cried. "My feet are killing me and I'm STARVING!"

I managed to mount out a small spec in the distance. "Is that land??" I questioned, having to get closer to tell. After getting a bit closer I made out an island. My eyes widened in relief. Finally I can get food and water and hopefully some shut eye to.

~10 minutes later~

"AH LAND FINALLY!" I yelled. "I was starting to think I was going to die, now where's food..." I wondered around the place to try and find some place so I can sit down and enjoy a meal. "AHUH! A TAVERN!"

I walk inside the tavern and take a seat at the bar. "Food please! And on the double!!" I declared. The barkeep looked at me and wandered over to the kitchen and brought out a bunch of food. "Ah that smells amazing, thank you!" While I was about to dig in some guy came over and sat next to me.

"So what's a pretty little thing like yourself doing out here all alone?" I scoffed at him.

"What's it to you? Last time I checked we didn't know each other, so why do I need to tell you what I'm up to." I said and shoved some food into my mouth.

"Ohh so you're going to try and act tough, aye? Well let's see how long you can keep that up." He said while trying to grab my waist, but I just punched his stomach while continuing to eat.

"Whoops my hand slipped, I meant to pick up my fork." I said not taking my eyes away from my food.

"YOU BITCH!" He yelled trying to hit me. I punched him again, this time he got the picture and left.

"Geez can't people just leave me to eat? It's been ages and I'm starving." I cried out, still stuffing my face. "More food please barkeep!"

"He gave me more food while I kept stuffing my face till I was satisfied. "Thanks a bunch barkeep sir!" I said starting to stand up. He looked at me waiting for me to pay. "Give me a second, I need to get my money out my bag."

"I opened my bag very slightly before starting a direct sprint for the exit. "THANKS AGAIN, IT WAS DELICIOUS!" I yelled while running away. People were chasing me but I just flew from the town into the forest, where I ended up spending the night.


As the sun rose I got up to wash my face, then I left. "Eating and running is more fun than I thought." I chuckled to myself while jumping off the ground to start my ascent.

While flying I saw a couple of marine ships just chilling in the open sea. "I think it's about time I formally introduce myself to this world. Would be a bit rude if I didn't." I flew down lower and they spotted me.

"You there! Who are you! Why are you landing on our ship?!" The captain yelled.

"I was just popping in to give a hello. I'm here to introduce myself, my name is L/n Y/n. But you can call me Firebolt Y/n. Also. I'm a pirate!" I chuckled out.

"You are aware that you are on a navy ship, correct Firebolt Y/n?" They asked.

"But of course I am. I mean how else am I meant to tell you guys? Go to a navy base? Pfft I think not. This is better, since I can just sink you." I said with a devious smile spreading across my face. "I just want to give you a little demonstration of what I can do.

"You are know if you sink this ship there will be a bounty on your head."

"Oh I am well aware," a little ball of fire appeared in my hand." Now how about we blow this ship up, hmm?" I say grinning. I got the ball of fire and made it larger. "SUN BOMB!" I yelled then flew up off the ship.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" They screamed, trying to escape the blast.

"A little taste of my power, I hope you liked it! Now don't make my bounty disappoint me or I will be back." I said flying away to the next island my long pose has set for me.

I have been flying for about 3 days now and a seagull flew next to me and gave me a newspaper. "Finally! Here you go little guy." I said handing over 5 beli.

I unrolled the paper and a wanted poster came out. "Well looky here, they did not disappoint! Oh, they even got my good side. How generous." I laughed reading what else was happening in the one piece world.

FireBolt Y/N


$50,000,000 BELI

"Kinda surprising they put that much on my head but hey better than nothing!" I chuckled continuing to fly.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Guess who your meeting next chapter.  :)
- Linkle :^)


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