Part 3

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     The group was at the moonshadow elves camp waiting for Runaan, Rayla, and Callisto. 

     Skor was pacing back and forth worried for his older brother and the others. What if they hadn't made it, what if they were caught.

Callum: Is Skor ok?

Andromeda: He's worried about the others mainly Callisto.

Callum: Um ok.

Andromeda: Hey you would be worried about Ezran wouldn't you? Exactly like how I would be worried about Ram and how he would be worried about me.

Callum: Of course. But Ezran is my brother and I don't know anything about Skor and Callisto relationship or yours and Ram.

Ram: Hey idiot. I don't know what you're thinking but Andromeda is my sister and Skor and Callisto are brothers. You know siblings like you and Ezran.

Callum: Oh.

     All of a sudden Callisto comes out from behind the trees, runs to them, and is carrying Rayla in his arms.

     Skor, Andromeda, and Ram immediately run to help them. 

     Ram notices that Rayla leg is hurt when he sees her holding it and how she had a pain look on her face. He then looks at how out of breath Callisto is. Ram then takes Rayla from him so that he could rest. Andromeda gives Callisto some water so that he could catch his breath but then she realizes that Runaan isn't with them.

Andromeda: Wheres Runaan? Is he behind you guys.

Runaan: No. They got him.

Skor, Andromeda, and Ram: WHAT?

Skor: What happened?

Rayla: A...A human hurt my leg and another one came up behind me with a net. Runaan saw and pushed me out of the way. Instead of helping him he told us to go. So Callisto helped me and we left.

Callisto: He told me to get everyone and the dragon prince back home. So that's what we're gonna do.

Rayla: WHAT?

    Rayla then gets onto her feet her leg still hurting from the kick.

Rayla: What do you mean? We can't go home without Runaan. Whats gonna happen without him? Whats gonna happen to him? What is Ethari gonna think?

Runaan: Ethari knows the possibilities that could happen to an assassin so he most likely has prepared himself for something like this. We will be ok. I'm in charge so we're are going back to Xadia.

     Rayla looks at the ground with a sad expression.

Rayla: This is all my fault.

     Callisto puts a hand on her shoulder.

Callisto: No it's not. It's not your fault you were injured and were caught off guard. Runaan promised your parents Tiadrin and Lain that he and Ethari would take care of you and Runaan ment it. No matter what. Now let's get going.

     Back at the castle the guards take Runaan to a man who then takes him down into a dungeon. When they get there a different human is chained to the wall.

Gren: Good morning Viren. To be honest I don't even know what time of day it is. Good what ever time of day it is.

Viren: How can you possibly be in a good mood.

Gren: Well since Amaya left to go to the Banther lodge to try to find the princes and you took me down here like what a day ago I've got to thinking why be chained down when I can be chained up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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