Part 1

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Rayla POV:

Rayla was sitting down with Andromeda, Ram, and Skor while Runaan and Callisto try to figure out what to do about now. The human that had seen them managed to get away and was certainly warning the king about them.

Rayla: So what do you guys think is gonna happen?

Skor: Don't know. The element of surprise is no longer an option anymore.

Rayla: Has this ever happened before?

Andromeda: Yes but we were able to kill them before they got away.

Ram: Yeah that human just managed to somehow catch all of us and get away. Hey maybe we will get lucky and he doesn't tell them.

Andromeda looked at Ram like he was an idiot.

Andromeda: Really Ram. Do you think that a human guard is going to find a group of moonshadow elves and not report this to the king?

Ram: No.

Andromeda: That's what I thought.

Ram: You know you didn't have to make me feel like I'm dumb.

Andromeda: I'm your older sister, it's my job.

Runaan and Callisto walk over to the group.

Skor: So what's the plan?

Callisto: We still don't have one.

Runaan: For now we will stay here until I figure something out. We still have to finish the mission no matter what.

Right after Runaan said that one of the bounds immediately turned red and fell off.

Rayla: What happened?

Andromeda: The kings dead.

Ram: What but how?

Andromeda: I don't know.

Callisto: This is strange.

Runaan: Wait does anybody hear that?

The group all listened closely and heard what sounded like footsteps. They then went to go see what it was. The moonshadow elves then saw what looked like two human children.

Skor: Why are there kids here?

Runaan: I don't know, but it looks like the two of them came from the direction of the castle. So they could possibly be useful. Rayla, Callisto help me get them.

Callum POV:

The were just walking through the woods, wondering what they were going to do. Ezran was carrying Bait in his arms while the egg was in his backpack. Callum had no idea what they were going to do. Lord Viren was a liar he told everyone that he had destroyed the egg and Claudia had known about this. They had managed to get out of the castle which was good.

Ezran: Do you think dad is ok?

Callum: He has the best guards in the kingdom watching him I'm sure he's fine.

Ezran: Yeah. Callum?

Callum: Yes.

Ezran: What are we gonna do?

Callum: I don't know. Let's just keep walking for now.

Bait grunts

At that moment they both heard something move.

Ezran: What's that?

Callum: I don't know.

Next thing they knew three people jumped out and went after them. One of the big ones grabbed Ezran and put his arms behind his back. The other big one did the same to Callum while the shorter one put Bait in a sack. And then Callum felt a hit to the head and went unconscious.

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