🔥Serious Joker🔥

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Let's just say, i'm glad i'm in here and not there. I found Alfred in the crowd, walking towards him. He smiled upon seeing me. Just the man I always want to see.

"Nice speech he gave, don't you think?" I grinned, then sighed. Oh sure. We can forget about half of it. But other than that it was great.

"It was very nice. I just hope dad meant what he said" Alfred gave a thoughtful look upon looking out at dad and Rachel, seeming proud of dad. He's like his own dad. Alfred has always taken such good care of him. And then me once I came along. He's a gem.

"I think he is realizing that Mr. Dent can do some good for this city" I agree honestly. It's easy to tell when dad is being sarcastic. But this time, it seemed like he really meant it. He's realizing that Harvey has the potential to help Gotham be a better place. And hopefully, he's right.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that i didn't realize Alfred was heading for the door. I followed close behind. Upon opening, a man holding a police badge was standing there, then he was shoved to the ground, revealing the Joker. I froze. Jack.

"We made it" He walked in, shooting the air as he went and i muffled a scream as Alfred got a hold of my arm, pulling me away from him. Joker turned just as i was being pulled away, locking eyes with me. He grinned at me, then continued on.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen" I was frozen in place. What is he doing here? And what does he want? Why today?

"We are tonight's entertainment. I only have one question. Where is Harvey Dent?" He looked around at everyone, pointing his gun towards them, then he grabbed a drink, drinking some, then sat it back on the table like he was the guest of honor. I looked for any sign of Harvey, Dad or Rachel, but didn't see them anywhere. Where in the world did they go??

"Do you know where Harvey is?" Joker grabbed a man by his face, roughly like he might just know the answer. I wanted to run to help. But Alfred would have a cow.

"Do you know where i can find Harvey? I need to talk to him about something. Just something little huh? Noo" He jerked the guys head closer, looking around the room to gage everyone's faces, sighing a dramatic sigh.

"You know, I'll settle for his loved ones" The man gave Joker a hard look like he really was going to do something. At a moment like this, it's not brave to go and get all brave. The man could stab you right through the heart if he wanted to.

"We're not intimidated by thugs" My eyes widened. Is he crazy?? Clearly. And he'll be dead next if he doesn't shut his trap. I wish there was something I could do...

"You know, you remind me of my father" He pulled a knife out, bringing it to the guys face, my eyes going wide. This is going to far.

"I hated my father" I knew i had to do something. So I pulled away from Alfred, hearing his protesting. But I kept moving through the crowd. I was getting angry and couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop this!" Jack turned towards me, grinning upon hearing my voice. He slowly walked towards me, giving me that smile.

"Well, hello beautiful" I stood there, staring at him. He saw the look on my face, giving me that joking look of his. He came up really close to me, enough to whisper in my ear.

"You look just as beautiful as you did at the restaurant. Hmm, what a sight" I drew back some. He just grabbed me, pulling me closer to him, the knife raised towards my face. I tried to move again, but couldn't. He won't hurt me. I know it. Somehow.

"You look nervous" He gave me that knowing look he did at the paper like he just knew something bothered me about him. But honestly, what's really bothering me is what he's doing to this people.

Lovely Scars {A Heath/Joker Story}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt