46. The Broken Heart of the Heartless.

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"Goodnight, Esedict General Azeeion," Y/N called as she walked off into the night, her use of title reminding Eslinn of the laws keeping them apart.

He could feel his heart breaking as her words replayed over and over in his mind. They had both taken vows to remain loyal to the goddess Estain above all else. Eslinn could still remember the words to the vow he had made the day he became an Esedict General even though it was years ago.

The part of it that burned most painfully clear in his mind was that for as long as he was a member of the Estainian army he could not be romantically involved with any other soldier, even being an Esedict General didn't make him exempt from this rule.

He had always been proud to prove his loyalty to the goddess Estain and to fight for his country, he had never once doubted his decision to become an Esedict General, but that was before he had known Y/N Denlleonis.

Even though they had met in the military temple of Estain and shared many wonderful memories there, he had never wished more that Y/N had not attended the temple as he did that night as he watched her disappear into the darkness of the Luccian camp.

At the same time, he recognized that he wouldn't care for Y/N the way that he did if she wasn't imbued with such a strong warrior spirit. She was so much like him that when he looked at her he sometimes felt like he was looking in a mirror.

She had been expected to become a mighty general since the day she was born, just like him. She had been forced to undergo countless hardships while attending the temple, just as he had. Years of trials and training that would either kill you, or make it impossible for you to be killed. They both had risen to the highest military acclaim in Estain, two heartless and brutal gods of war, but somehow, his heart still ached with a longing that he could never voice.

He sat on the frosty ground, Y/N's words of bitter warning ringing in his ears, if we are honest and name what we make or may not feel towards each other we will be committing one of the highest acts of treason possible. As long as it remains unspoken we are guiltless.

She's right, Eslinn thought in despondency. Our love is one that is destined to be as fleeting and unsubstantial as smoke.

Shaking his head, he tried to distract himself with happier memories that he had shared with Y/N. A smile came to his lips as he recalled the first time he had ever met her

"Eslinn, come with me to the yard," the high priestess, a tall and formidable woman that everyone in the temple knew to fear, ordered him to come with her after he finished his battle tactics instruction.

"Yes, high priestess," He saluted her before he followed at her side, marching as though in step with a bunch of other soldiers.

They walked in total silence through the dim halls of the temple. After several minutes they exited the temple and entered the walled-in yard where most of the combat training took place.

"Eslinn, this is Y/N Denlleonis, eldest child of Esedict General Denlleonis, and stands to become the next Esedict General Denlleonis," The high priestess said as she gestured to a little girl with scrawny arms, E/C eyes, and a scowl on her young face. "You are going to be her student mentor for your remaining years at the temple."

"Yes, high priestess," He saluted her with a neutral face but on the inside, he groaned. Of all the kids I could have mentored they pick the child of the general who is in charge of the temple, great, he thought. I bet she's going to be a whiny brat.

Standing up as straight as he could, Eslinn looked down at Y/N. "Hello, I'm Eslinn Azeeion, and I'm going to be your mentor at the temple from this day forward so you better get used to following my orders."

Satisfied that neither of the children had tried to kill each other yet, the high priestess walked back into the temple. Giving the children time to 'bond'.

"As if I'd take orders from an Azeeion," The little girl scoffed as soon as they were alone, crossing her arms. "You certainly are skinny enough to be an Azeeion, you look like a walking twig."

"Well, I'm not sure you're a Denlleonis," Eslinn shot back, disliking her even more. "you certainly are short enough, but you're just so cute-"

Before he could finish he was hit in the face so hard that it sent him topping back onto the grassy earth. "I may be small, but that doesn't make me cute!" She growled, her E/C eyes filled with feral rage. "I am Y/N Denlleonis and I will not be insulted!"

"Fair enough," Eslinn said, grinning as he massaged his aching jaw and pushed himself back off the ground. His face burned but he didn't mind as much as he thought he would, perhaps mentoring Y/N would be better than he thought. "Now come on, let's work on your stance, it's not steady, see?" He demonstrated as he made a light jab at her that unbalanced her and carried her to the ground.

"I guess you have a point," she sulked, oblivious to the patch of mud on her cheek.

Eslinn helped her get to her feet with a chuckle, choosing not to inform her about the adorable bit of mud. "Here, try standing with your feet under you and your knees slightly bent," he instructed as he demonstrated.

She copied him and once he saw that she was ready he jabbed at her again, only for it to not affect. "I-I'm still standing!" She cried happily.

"Yep, and it's all thanks to your amazing new mentor," Eslinn said, puffing out his chest. "Although you can call me big brother if you want-"

"Thank you big brother Eslinn!" Y/N exclaimed as she rushed and tackled him to the ground in a show of her gratitude.

"Sure thing," Eslinn said, patting her head awkwardly as he looked away to hide the blush on his cheeks. "l-little sister..."

Eslinn chuckled, a nostalgic smile on his face as he recalled the tender moment. Before he could continue reliving his memories he was distracted by the crunch of approaching feet on the frosty ground.


A bit of a cliffhanger I know, too bad. ^~^

These two are just perfect for each other, pity they won't be able to be together.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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