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On the sixth morning after the defeat of Vascini, the Luccian generals awoke and at first, it seemed like any other morning. The first thing they noticed that was different was that it had finally stopped raining, it appeared to be a good thing, but it was the only good thing to be discovered that morning.

Meccio was the first to discover that the section of the camp where the Estainians had pitched their tents was empty, without so much as a single crate of supplies left behind. The ginger rushed to tell the other generals who began a frantic search throughout the entire camp, but it didn't change the fact that Y/N along with all the other Estainians had vanished without a trace.

Hours went by as the Luccian Generals demanded search parties be sent in all directions to find the Estainians. Meccio dug Y/N's ceremonial dagger into his flesh slowly out of anxiety, Baccoso was laying on the ground hoping to get even the tiniest of hint what direction they had gone, and Vanbinicci tore at his hair until his scalp was bloody.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, an Estainian messenger arrived back at the Luccian camp baring a letter from Y/N which the generals ripped open at once. They hated what the letter said.

To the reinstated generals, Meccio, Baccoso, and Vanbinicci,

I sent this to inform you that I have resigned from my position as the official leader of the Luccian Army. Leading you all has been more pleasant than I thought, but I find it unbearable to say. Home is calling and I promised Eslinn that I would return to Estain, and I will keep that promise even though he is dead. It has been an honor to do battle with the three of you.

With honor,

Esedict General Y/N Denlleonis.

In a blind rage, the generals killed the messenger along with several of their own soldiers, but none of it was enough. None of it would change the fact that Y/N was gone and there was no chance of being her back, even by force. It drove them mad to imagine the smug look on Esclave's face as he alone remained with the woman they all had craved for. The only thing worse was that even in death Eslinn had managed to keep Y/N from them.

While the Luccian Generals dissolved into despair and madness, the close eye the army had been keeping for any surviving Vascinians wandered, enabling a small group of refugees to escape from their destroyed country and to enter into hiding, scattered by the four winds.

Among them was a little girl, a princess, the sole heir to the Vascinian throne who managed to escape with her life against all odds. She would eventually swear vengeance on the man who took everything from her, the Luccian king, and vowed to one day restore her father's kingdom, but that's a story for another time.


I hope that this brought the story to a satisfying conclusion for you. ^~^

As you have probably guessed, my next book in the saga will be following Princess Y/N of Vascini on her path of vengeance against the Luccian Royal Family for killing her family and destroying her kingdom.

But as she advances her plan to get vengeance, she ends up forming a connection to the Luccian prince, who eventually develops a deep infatuation for the woman who's secretly plotting to kill him along with the rest of his family.

It's called Motheaten Memories, and the prologue for it has just been published if you would care to read it.

Here's one last watercolor of General Denlleonis I thought that I would include in this final part, (it was a bit rushed but I hope that you can still enjoy it.)

(Please ignore the ugly censorship I had to do)

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(Please ignore the ugly censorship I had to do)

Anyway, thank you so much for staying with this book until the end, I hope you have a wonderful day, and

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Hounds of War [Yandere Generals x Female General Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt