57. Within the Chaos.

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Hours passed as the attack on the city continued without end. As day turned to night the streets were filled with screams as civilians continued to flee for their lives in disarray. The fires that had been started by Estain's Fire had spread, giving rise to normal fire while the most recent blast sites blazed with unnatural blue light.

The chaos only intensified as the sun set below the mountain range, cloaking the city in further darkness. Hazy smoke from all the raging fires grew so thick that it blotting out the moon and stars, making the sky above appear like a black void of nothingness. Being a late autumn night in the mountains meant that the streets would have been cold, had it not been for the many fires which caused the temperature in the streets to vacillate between bitter chills and blazing warmth.

The army had divided several times over into order to destroy the city in the most efficient way possible, this resulted in many detachments without any officers to command them, meaning that they were free to go as far as they wished with the wrath they visited on the Vascinians and their city.

Y/N and Eslinn were occupied in the heart of the city, blasting through the last husks of the Vascinian army to reach the castle. Before long the gates were blasted open and they had forced their way into the large courtyard of the castle. Unsure what to attack first she consulted one of the Luccian soldiers who informed her that the mammoth clocktower was a great national pride to the Vascinians.

After hearing this Y/N rode around the clocktower, inspecting it. She smirked in approval as she noticed the heads of four people impaled on the ornamental parts of the obelisk, rotten past the point of recognition. "Whoever put those their I like his style," She muttered to herself before issuing the command to bring the tower down.

The muzzle of Estain's Fire was pointed at the clocktower and loaded. Once it was ready, Y/N gave the command to fire and a powerful blast tore through the air. The projectile hit its mark and tore the base of the stone structure, erupting with blue flames.

With a deep groan, the tower slowly began to fall, gathering speed as it went. The magnificent timepiece crashed into part of the castle, turning it into rubble on its path to the ground. A discordant gong echoed through the night as it reached its final resting place.

Y/N said that she was going to stay and continue the assault on the castle, and discharged Eslinn to obtain the present conditions across the city. Not needing to be told twice he detached himself from her presence and went to fulfill his duty, oblivious to the four individuals who had been bidding their time and waiting for an opportunity to catch him alone within the chaos.

"What do you want!?" Eslinn growled, turning around to look behind him once he reached an especially destroyed part of the city. He felt like someone had been following him for several minutes, but he only just caught sight of him. "I'm not in the mood to beat you to a pulp at the moment!" He barked, glaring daggers at his younger brother.

"Oh, brother," Esclave chuckled, his face strangely lit from the many fires still burning in the ruins. "The day has come that you will pay for your coincided arrogance." His whole energy was wrong, grinning widely as he took a step closer.

"YOU INSOLENT BRAT!!" The brunette growled in anger. "I'll beat you till you're on the brink of death, I don't care if you're Y/N's Subedict General, you have it coming to you!"

"Not tonight," Esclave replied in an unnervingly relaxed tone. "Tonight you're the one who has it coming, brother." He said with a pleased sigh.

"Ha! I see that you have enlisted the help of some other pathetic men," the Estainian General scoffed as three more figured appeared from the darkness, each with a smile just as deranged as Esclave's. "Too scared to fight me alone because you know you'll lose?" He continued to taunt him.

"Mock me all you want, but I'll do whatever it takes to keep you away from Y/N, to kill you," the Subedict General replied, keeping his cool. "And fortunately I'm not the only one who feels that way," he gestured with a smug grin at the three Luccian Generals who all nodded their agreement, glaring at Eslinn with pure hate.

"You think you're intimidating with your little men-harem, but I'm not scared of any of you!" He growled, not backing down in the least. "The underdeveloped baby-face," He pointed to Meccio, "the dimwitted giant," he scoffed at Baccoso, "the bejeweled man-woman," he scorned Vanbinicci, "and certainly not you Esclave, with your spinless nature and you deranged mind," he said, looking his brother directly in the eyes with a smug grin.

All four men were practically boiling over, not even at his words but the thought of him stealing Y/N's heart away from them. The last few months of abuse, and in Esclave's case years, had finally taken their toll. They wanted Y/N, they wanted her more than anything else, but since they couldn't have that they would have to settle for the next best thing; Eslinn's life.

"I know that we've had our differences in the past, we've hated each other-" Esclave began speaking in a shaky whisper, choked by rage.

"-Oh don't worry, I still despise you," Vanbinicci interrupted him, still retaining the cheek to flash a grin at Esclave, even in his deranged state.

"The feeling is mutual," The Subedict General huffed before he continued "but this once, let's work together and fight on the same side."

"Agreed." Vanbinicci nodded his head as he drew his sword, its gilded blade matching his armor and gleaming in the light of the roaring fires.

"Hmpf," Baccoso growled, pounding his large bare fists together as he glared at Eslinn.

"Let's make him bleed!" Meccio squealed in delight as he whipped out the ceremonial dagger that Y/N had given him.

Without any more hesitation, they charged down the Esedict General. It was a fortunate thing that they had formed an alliance and agreed to work together, they never would have stood a chance otherwise, even though it was four-on-one the fight was surprisingly well-matched.

Baccoso was suffering some nasty bruising on his forearms from blocking Eslinn's attacks, Meccio was bleeding from several cuts and Eslinn was still no worse for wear. Finally, the tide of the battle began to change as the four generals backed their adversary against a wall. They brawled until eventually the brunette was restrained by the combined efforts of Meccio, Baccoso, and Vanbinicci.

"I know that nothing would bring you more pleasure than to hear me beg for my life," Eslinn spat as he struggled, even though he knew that it was futile. "But I won't do it - I will die with honor, unlike you four pathetic cowards! Y/N will never share your sick affections!" He spat, jutting out his chin in defiance.

"HOLD! HOLD!" Esclave screamed as the three other generals tried to kill him for daring to say such blasphemous things. "HE'S MINE TO FINISH!" His blue eyes were wide and staring, blazing with twisted light, not unlike that which was emitted from Estain's Fire.

He grabbed Eslinn's sword from where it had fallen and pressed it against his chest. For one of the first times in his life, the general felt fear consume him from the pure insanity in Esclave's face. "I warned you, you should have listed, brother," Esclave whispered as he suddenly embedded the sword deep into Eslinn's chest.


Oooo, and that's the end of Eslinn... Or is it?

I'm just joking, he's dead now... Unless...

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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