58. Vascini up in Flames.

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Once Eslinn had slumped to the ground in a lifeless heap the four generals left him without a second thought, sure that the spreading fires would consume his body before long. Taking a brief moment the celebrate their success they applauded each other, enthralled by their victory.

They walked back through the streets in the direction of the castle, their plan to report that they and Eslinn had been ambushed by a remnant of the Vascinian Army and though the Vascinians had all been slain Eslinn had lost his life in the process.

The fires were spreading as predicted and even more of the city had been destroyed. Smoke and ash hung thick in the air, making it much harder to find their way than it had been before. The screaming had lessened but was still present as terrified civilians tore through the blazing streets, completely ignored by the generals solely focused on finding Y/N within the chaos.

It felt as though they were running through a different city entirely than the one they had marched on only hours before. The once pristine white-walled buildings had been blackened by soot and crumbled into little more than burning indistinguishable piles of rubble. Buried in among the debris were corpses of those who had been unable to flee from the fire or the weapons of the Luccian's, most were so charred that it was impossible to tell if they had been soldiers or civilians.

Finally, after wading through the sea of smoke in the collapsing streets they rounded a bend and spotted Y/N moving with a group of soldiers away from a tall mound of rubble that had once been the castle. "GENERAL DENLLEONIS! GENERAL DENLLEONIS!!!" Esclave shouted, throwing a look of distress on his face as he raced towards her along with the other generals.

"Esclave what is it?" Y/N asked, turning to watch their approach from where she sat in the saddle. "What happened to the four of you?" She added as she noticed the anxiety of the normally stoic soldiers along with their various wounds.

"It's General Azeeion, he-he," Meccio began, his voice quavering as he forced himself to appear like the meek general he used to be.

"He's dead," Vanbinicci continued, finishing what the ginger had started. "we-we tried to help but there were too many-"

"WHAT?!" Y/N face was suddenly flooded with shock and aggression. "Slow down and tell me what happened!" She ordered, looking down at the four generals.

"We were ambushed," Esclave replied taking a deep breath. "Apparently Vascini had more reserves left than we thought. We slew them all, but not before Eslinn fell. We all would have died if he wasn't there, they had us cornered and outnumbered, he's a real hero." It took all his self-restraint to not grin ear-to-ear and to maintain the shell-shocked look on his face.

"N-no," Y/N stammered, her voice oddly shaky as she observed the sullen expression of the men surrounding her. "No Eslinn can't be dead, he can't be... He wouldn't just let himself be killed like that..." She bowed her head and her countenance contorted as she fought to keep in the wail of sorrow that was building in her throat.

The four other generals were startled by her visible grief, even more so as pearly tears began to fall from her unconsenting eyes, wetting her cheeks before falling to the ground. They felt like they were watching a formidable mountain crumble before them as her body shook with the silent sobs.

Her marble facade cracked before shattering entirely and the four generals were shocked, they knew that Y/N and Eslinn were close, but they never imagined that it would bring her so much pain. Each of them felt their hearts break at the sight. "Y/N-" Baccoso rumbled, trying to sound comforting.

"SHUT IT!" Y/N growled, as she snapped her head up sharply, her E/C eyes filled with such primal fury that it caused all those around her to recoil. "The war is not yet over and I couldn't be more glad!! I'M GOING TO KILL THEM ALL FOR WHAT THEY DID TO ESLINN!!" She roared, anger and pain twisting her expression as she galloped towards a group of soldiers not far away.

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