50. What Kind of Men are You?!

Start from the beginning

Eslinn and the crowd seemed to be excited by her words, while the other generals looked less certain. Baccoso looked as unemotional as always, Meccio and Vanbinicci watched on nervously and Esclave looked terrified.

Oblivious to both the cheers from the crowd and the staring of her fellow generals Y/N took hold of a blacksmith's hammer that was used to repair the weapons at the front and had been prepared for her by Eslinn. Raising it above her head, she barely waited a moment before she swung it down.

The man tied to the cross let out a sickening wail as the sound of his leg bone breaking echoed over the heads of the crowd. She brought the hammer down again, this time breaking his other leg.




Was the only sound apart from his screams that could be heard as she labored to break every bone in his body, starting with his limbs and moving inward. She didn't stop until his face and body were bruised almost past the point of recognition and his limbs hung at limp odd angles and looked to have twice as many joints as they should.

"So, that's The Lovers' Knot," Meccio whispered under his breath to Eslinn, his face two shades paler than normal. "I don't really get it."

"Oh no boy," Eslinn replied in a hushed tone, a wicked glint in his eyes. "This is just the beginning."

After that Y/N turned her attention to the man bound to the wheel who looked like he was about to be sick after witnessing what she had done to his lover. The man on the cross slipped in and out of consciousness. As he saw her advancing towards his lover he implored her to stop, but she ignored him.

"Your turn to face justice," she cooed to the man tied to the upright wheel before she struck a blow at his leg with the hammer causing him to howl in pain. She broke the rest of his limbs in quick succession with unflinching accuracy. Ignoring his wailing she unbound his broken limbs and wrapped each of them grotesquely around one of the spokes of the wheel and tying them in place.

"What part did you play in this union?" Y/N asked him calmly as she finished retying his foot to the wheel.

"Wha?" He panted through the haze of pain, unsure what she meant.

"Did he bed you, or you him?" She asked bluntly. When he didn't reply quick enough for her liking she slapped him across the face. "Answer!"

"H-He bedded me," he stammered in pain and embarrassment.

"I see," Y/N said as she clapped her hands and Esclave hurried to bring her a knife, struggling to keep the bile climbing up his throat from coming out at the thought of what was about to happen next. He handed her the knife and she took it from him, "in that case you won't need this to be functional, will you?" She gestured to his exposed groin.

There was not a soldier present who didn't look away as she began to crudely castrate the man bound to the wheel, but even if they looked away, his shrieks of anguish were impossible not to hear.

Meccio bent over and wretched from the sound of it and Esclave didn't look like he was far behind. Baccoso looked badly shaken and Vanbinicci stood there, stiff and pale. Leaning closer to Eslinn the brunette said hoarsely "this is enough surely, I'm going to ask her to stop-"

"No," Eslinn stated, stretching out his arm to stop him, looking up, he was surprised to see that instead of a look of horror, the Estainian general's face held a twisted expression of wonder and pride. "No, let Denlleonis finish her glorious work."

Once she had finished she crossed the platform to where the soldier on the cross had been forced to watch as his lover was mutilated. Tears and blood spilled down his swollen, bruised cheeks.

"This is all your fault you know, his suffering and yours," Y/N hissed as she traced the cold metal of the blade all along his body. "You couldn't contain your desire and now you will pay the price."

Using the still bloody knife she slit a vertical line in his abdomen. Shoving her fists inside, ignoring his screaming, she began to fish out his organs. His stomach and chest seemed to deflate as his insides were pulled outside. Satisfied once she had two large fist fulls of organs and intestines and the soldier's body had stopped twitching she carefully untied his lifeless body and dragged it across the platform to where the other soldier was bound to the wheel.

Ignoring his wailing she hauled the soldier on top of the already occupied wheel and began to thread his broken limbs around the same spokes that the still-living man was tied to. The battered head of his lover was in front of his, unable to move all he could do was gaze upon it with horror. Denlleonis bound them together using the soldier's removed intestines, locking them in an intimately morbid embrace.

Once that was finished Y/N took the mangled bodies tied to the wheel and cast them down on the center of the platform. Silence. The gathered soldiers stood frozen in mortified silence at what they had just witnessed. The five men standing on the back of the platform all shuddered as they realized exactly what Esclave had been warning them would happen if their feelings towards the general were ever discovered.

"Listen well!" Y/N's voice boomed in the silence. "These men died because they were weak cowardly wretched who choose brief pleasure over an eternity of honor - They were truly the lesser kind of men."

She had everyone's undivided attention, as she stepped forward bringing the heel of her boot down on the necks of the two soldiers, killing them at last.

She continued, her speech standing atop their bodies, "There are two kinds of men, the conqueror and the conquest, those who eat and those who get eaten. Which kind of men are you?!" She asked, a cold fire burning in her E/C eyes.

"Attend to any business you have to get done today!" Esedict General Denlleonis commanded as she raised her arms that were covered in blood to the heavens. "For tomorrow we break camp and march out to Vascini! AND TO VICTORY!!!"


So I now feel very unsafe considering that came out of my mind. Before you come at me with angry comments I by no means support such heinous homophobia, and would like to clarify that General Denlleonis would have given the same punishment to a heterosexual couple.

With that out of the way, I would like to announce that there are only ten chapters (and an epilogue) remaining in this book. Don't worry though, I already have ideas for a sequel.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Hounds of War [Yandere Generals x Female General Reader]Where stories live. Discover now