Part 30: The Grey Ghost and the Head Maid! (Contains Lemon) (Christmas Special)

Start from the beginning

First Host: No. She's been helping with the development of new Iron Blood ships.

Jacob: You mean PR ships?

First Host: Wha...?

Jacob: Nothing.

First Host: No. They're normal ships, not PR ships.

Jacob: I see.

First Host: you might want to go visit her in Iron Blood to see them.

Jacob: They're already done with development?

First Host: Yeah.

Jacob: My only question about this is, how do you know all this?

First Host: ...

Jacob: You gonna tell me or not?

First Host: Listen, Son...

Jacob: *Rolls eyes* Guess that's a "No", whatever, and don't start calling me "Son" like the Higher-ups, you here? *Sighs* There is something else I wanted to talk about.

First Host: And what's that?

Jacob: I've been feeling a little uneasy.

First Host: Why's that?

Jacob: There hasn't been any Siren activity in a while, I have the feeling that they're planning something big...

First Host: That is true. I wish I could tell you, but I can't.

Jacob: Why?

First Host: It's not that I won't, but I just can't. I don't know what they're planning or even if they're planning something.

Jacob: I see.

First Host: Sorry.

Jacob: No, it's fine.

First Host: You might want to get going. Those two are waking up now.

Jacob: Yeah, I guess I better. Later.

First Host: *Nods head*

After that, I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. When I opened them, I was looking up at my ceiling. That's when I heard rustling on my left side. I turned my head to find Shoukaku laying there.

Jacob: *Whispers* Why is it that I always forget about me having sex the next morning? *Starts rubbing eyes*

Shoukaku: I can't believe you forgot about last night.

Jacob: It's not my fault.

Shoukaku: We didn't make it entertaining enough for you?

Jacob: *Sighs* It's not that.

Shoukaku: I'm just teasing you.

Jacob: *Looks up at ceiling and thinks*

Shoukaku: What are you doing?

Jacob: ...

Shoukaku: Hey, Jacob.

Jacob: I'm gonna take today off and head to Iron Blood.

Shoukaku: Why is that?

Jacob: Because, I was talking with the First Host not too long ago and hey told me that Iron Blood was developing new ships.

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