20. bad news

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chapter warning: copious amounts of blood in the latter portion. if you're uncomfortable with such descriptions, check the in-line comment for which parts to skip.


The suspect glances up as they enter. To Maverick's relief, the blazing amber eyes that had met them in the hallway are gone, replaced by a more amicable brown. Because Maverick likes his skin attached to the rest of him, he checks to ensure the silver cuffs are secure.

Emery slips in behind him. For all of the werewolf's imposing height, he can move like a ghost when he wants to. Their suspect visibly stiffens.

"Why is he here?" he snaps, glaring over Maverick's shoulder.

"Ah," Maverick says, grinning. "So the murder suspect does speak!"

The suspect—Tobias—sneers, showing a pair of wicked fangs to rival Emery's. "I made it clear I would only speak to you."

Maverick shrugs. "Sorry, pal. We're kind of a package deal."

He plants two fists on the cold metal table, attempting to make himself appear as imposing as possible. As Emery settles near the door in the corner of the room, Tobias shifts in his seat, discomfort evident in his hunched shoulders. Maverick can't help the smug smirk that blossoms across his face at the sight.

"So, Toby. Can I call you Toby? I hope I don't have to explain to you how deep in shit you are right now."

"If you're trying the good cop, bad cop routine, it's not going to work," Tobias says, looking up. His eyes may not glow gold, but they still hold a feral intensity as he glares at Emery. "I'm not saying anything with him here."

"You're also not in a position to be making demands," Maverick retorts.

Tobias huffs, then shifts his gaze down to the half a cup of water sitting on the table. Condensation drips down the plastic and pools onto the cool metal.

"Annie Asterio. The name ring any bells?" Maverick searches Tobias' face. Nothing. "Everyone liked her. But I'm sure you knew that already, didn't you? You attended St. Peter's with her."

Tobias shifts in his seat.

"See, I think you and Annie had something in common," he goes on. "I get it. Families are tough. Words get said that can't be unsaid. Shit happens."

The yellowing light bulb overhead casts shadows across the sterile room, making everything appear harsh and unfriendly. Maverick circles the table like a dog circling a bone, trailing his fingers on the cold metal.

"Annie's father walked out on her, and yours? After a few mishaps landed you at St. Peter's, well—your father wanted nothing to do with you."

"My family is not apart of this," Tobias says, voice low.

"You're not denying they disowned you, then?"

Tobias falls silent.

Maverick, satisfied, smirks. He knows his little story is bullshit. In fact, he knows next to nothing about this dumpster fire of a case. But if he plays his part convincingly enough, Tobias will start to fill in the gaps for him. Spiders never force the insects into the webs; they simply weave them. 

"What I want to know is why you did it," Maverick says. "You were admitted to St. Peter's for aggression related problems, so was it jealousy?"

He searches the suspect's face. Nothing. He pivots.

"Or you saw Annie receive something you were denied by your own family. A ring, perhaps?"

Tobias stiffens, and Maverick, smelling blood, pounces.

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